Chapter 10

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Taehyung's POV

"We still haven't finished the assignment," i said as coldly as i can before standing up and walked out, leaving her in the class alone.

He asked her out. He freaking asked her out!

What the hell Kim Taehyung.

I knew her first, i fell for her first. How could he ask her out before i did? Was i that slow? But we've just known each other.


The first time i saw her, i thought she was really cute. Not just how she looks but how she acts and the way she laughs.. Everything.

Our first meeting in school was one that i'll never forget. Still can't believe she's gonna be in the same school as i am. Even better, we're seating together!

The trip to the beach the other day.. She wasn't just cute, she's beautiful.

That dress made her look more beautiful than ever. I took a photo of her secretly when she was admiring the scenery. I set it as my phone's home screen.

There was this one time, she slept in class during our free period. I couldn't help but to stare at her. I know i sound like a creep but yeah.. She looks calm while sleeping.

My feelings for her grew day by day. Having to spend so much time with her is really a blessing. i'm planning on confessing to her soon but this came up.


I walked back to class afterwords. She's resting her head on the desk with her earpods plugged.

I wanted to talk to her but i'm still mad. Not at her, but at myself for being so slow.

Recess ended and students started to fill the class. The teacher came in and i gave her a small pat on the back to wake her up before i ignore her completely.


I went to meet Jungkook before heading to my locker to keep my things. He and Jimin have classes today so they're going back a bit later than me. I slammed the locker door as the thought of Hyera and Iljoo came to mind.

I suppose I'm walking home alone today.

"Yah pabo, let's get our assignment done," Hyera said as she approached me in the hallway.

"Aren't you going out with Iljoo?"

I answered her, still as coldly as possible. I'm still mad at myself. I don't know when will this anger disappear.

"I said I couldn't because I haven't finished the assignment. He understands and said said we'll go someday."


Someday? No you won't.

Hyera's POV

"I'm sorry Iljoo but i cant make it today. I haven't finished the history assignment yet," i said to Iljoo when i met him at the gate earlier.

"Oh, it's okay. Take your time and finish it first. Some other day, maybe?"

"Alright, thanks Iljoo!" I said, leaving him and searched for Taehyung all over the school. I bumped with Jimin and asked him if he's seen Taehyung anywhere.

"Go look for him at the locker. He should be there."

And i did. I found the alien there, slamming the locker door shut and i followed him through the hallway and eventually called him out.


That's all? After all that explaining?

I don't understand why he's suddenly being so cold with me. Wait a minute..

"Taehyung, are you jealous?" I tried asking even when i know he's not.

"What? Why should i? Ew no!"

I told you. He's cute.


"Yeah right, come on let's get our work done!" I said as i grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the school.


We went to the cafe to continue working on our assignment. Yoongi texted me earlier saying that he's going out with some old friends tonight and won't be home till late night.

"Yah, it's getting late. You should go home before it gets dark," Taehyung suddenly spoke after a few hours of researching and writing.

"Wait. Lets get this part done before we go."

We stayed there for another hour before packing our things and walk out of the cafe. We're walking towards the crossing where we usually separate.

"You sure you can get there safe on your own?" Taehyung asked as we reached the traffic light.

"Yeah, sure. I guess?"

"No. I'm coming with you, it's dangerous for a girl to walk alone at this time."

"No, V. I can manage."

"If you insist," he said before waving me goodbye and went to the opposite way as i am.


My house is just a few blocks away but i'm getting really tired after all that writing.

I heard a branch break right behind me. I looked behind hoping to not see anything. But a man, both arms tattooed, holding a bottle of beer, following me. He smirked as he fastens his steps. I turned and tried to run but it was too late. He grabbed my arm before i could do anything.


And suddenly Taehyung appeared out of nowhere. He gave the man a few punches until the man fell to the ground. Taehyung ran towards me and grabbed my arms, pulling me away and run to the park near my house, leaving the guy there.

"You idiot, i told you it's dangerous. You're lucky to have me following you." He said as we got to the park. We're panting hard from all that running.

"You followed me? Stalker."

"Yeah yeah. Thank this stalker for saving your butt, idiot. If I didn't, you would have died and who's gonna work on the assignment then? I'm not gonna do it myself." He said before sitting on the bench.

"Thank you," i said and sat beside him.

Thunders were heard while we were just sitting there that night. No words were spoken. And a few moments later, it started pouring rain.

I grabbed his hand and ran to my house, dragging him along.


"Here's a towel. Dry yourself up," i said, handing him a towel and sat at the dinner table. A note was left there on the table.

"Hyera & Yoongi, we are going to the states for a couple of months because our business there suddenly got grand. You two are both grown ups so I'm sure you can manage. Take care, love you both. - Mom"

I took my phone and texted Yoongi.

To : Swaeg Oppa
Oppa, mom and dad will be in the states for a couple of months.

From : Swaeg Oppa
What? Months? Heol. Did they take Hyesun along? Where are you?

To : Swaeg Oppa
Yeah they did. I'm home and drenched wet. Taehyung is here too. We got caught in the rain on our way home just now.

From : Swaeg Oppa

To : Swaeg Oppa
I can't let him walk back to his place in the rain? He'll get sick oppa!

From : Swaeg Oppa
You can just give him an umbrella, dumbo. bUT STAY THERE IM COMING HOME RIGHT NOW

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