Chapter 9

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Both Taehyung nor Jimin was seen when i walked into the class. Weird, they're usually earlier than me.

I sat at my place and took out my workbook to finish up the chapter so i'll be ahead from the others. Suddenly, Iljoo took Taehyung's seat and stared at me before I looked up from my book.

He has quite the look. Faded rainbow-greyish hair styled nicely. His jaw line quite sharp but not too sharp. Long legs, broad shoulder. Oh lord.

"Hey Iljoo,"

"Um, hey."

And we went silent for a moment.

"Um.. Hyera-ssi," he started and i looked at him so that he knows that i'm listening.

"I've been wanting to tell you this," he continued and i realised that he has lisps. His pronunciation of the letter S is more like a -th. For example, you suck = you thuck.

"Mhm? Tell me what?" I asked, waiting for him to continue.

"Will you go out with me?"

That was surprising.

"Later, i'll meet you at the gate after school. I know you'd probably think i'm joking but i'm not," he said, not looking like he's joking.


"Yah yah Iljoo-ssi, that's my place."

Taehyung said as he and Jimin walked into the class. Iljoo quickly stood up.

"I'll see you after school," he said before making his way to his seat.

Taehyung pulled out his chair and put his bag on his desk before sitting.

"Were you waiting for me? Awww. By the way, what were you guys talking about?"


I was about to tell him what happened when the teacher came in and class begins.


We were the only ones in class during recess.

"Yah, you still didn't tell me what you and Iljoo talked about earlier,"

Taehyung lifted his legs and settle them on his desk.

"Why were you and Jimin late today?" I asked, trying to avoid the question.

"We were in the school but got called by Mr Shin. Had to do some errands, ugh annoying," he explained.

"Yah, you didn't answer me."


"Uh.. It'll be awkward if i tell you this.."

"No no just tell me it wont be awkward, i promise."

"Um.. Iljoo asked me out."

There, i've said it! It's so awkward talking about a boy to a boy. It's like.... Um no?

"Oh," his expressions changed. "Great, when?"

"Later after school. I don't know if i should g-"



"We still haven't finished the assignment," he said coldly before he stood up and went out of the room.

What was that all about?

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