Chapter 26

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Months had passed and I got more closer to Jimin than ever. Taehyung hasn't been hanging out with us lately. He'd always disappear on recess and he'd be the first to exit the class when school ends. As for Sunhi, she's busy with her club activities. Therefore, it's only me and Jimin, sometimes Jungkook tags along.

Finals is in a few weeks and then it's Christmas break. Can't that day come faster?

"Where's Jungkook?"

"He said he's coming later. Mrs. Yoon wanted to see him."

So we walked down the street to the cafe. As we stepped inside, i caught sight of the person who I desperately need to get away from.

We meet again, Han Iljoo.

Iljoo hasn't been bothering me anymore since he's been thrown out of school. He tried to kill me, like literally kill me.. with a pocket knife. Since the school didn't want this to be brought to the court, they settled it with moving him out and not say a word to the authorities.

How it happened?

Well, I went back to class after realizing that i've left my phone in my bag. I took my phone and as soon as i turned around, Iljoo was standing at the corner with a pocket knife clearly seen in his hand. We struggled and someone decided to be my hero.

I can see Jimin knocking on the front door and the next thing i know, the back door is banged too. A few seconds later, the back door flew open. The first to come in was Taehyung, followed by Jimin and they both stopped Iljoo.

Gladly, we only got a few cuts and bruises from the incident. And that's why Iljoo is kicked out of the holy school.

Thank god for that.

I stared at him, he doesn't notice me as he's busy talking.


I came back to my senses and looked at Jimin who's holding our ordered drinks.

"Jimin-ah, that's Iljoo." I said, half whispering and pulled him by his jacket sleeve to the most hidden seats in the cafe.

He extended his neck for a quick look and turned his focus to me with a shocked expression on his face.

"Do you think he's still after me?"

"Maybe, but let's not think about it now. We're perfectly hidden."

We took a sip out of our drinks and exchange our notes while waiting for Jungkook.

"*Orenmanida. Hyera-ssi, Jimin-ssi"

*Orenmanida is the korean way of saying 'long time no see'

Jimin looked up from his notes and his eyes bulge in surprise. I felt hands on my shoulders but didn't dare to look up.

"Ah, yeah. I-Iljoo-ssi."

I looked up at Jimin who's now looking at me, keeping his face straight.

"Hyera-ah, aren't you going to forgive me now?" Iljoo said in a low toned voice, making me shiver. He squeezed my shoulders a little tighter and continued, "But, it's okay Hyera-ah. Since Jimin looks like he's gonna eat me alive, then i'm stopping here. This will be our last meeting anyways so, have a great day."

I didn't look at him but I saw Jimin smiling at him before his hands are off of my shoulders and the bell was heard, proof that he has exited the cafe.

I sighed in relief. I wasn't aware that I was holding my breathe this whole time.

"Gwaenchanhayo, Hyera? It's okay, he left."

I stared at the table and slightly nod. I don't know if Jimin saw me nodding. After a few moments, I finally lift my head to look at him and cried.

I've never felt this scared in my life. Not even when he tried to kill me the other day.

"Yah yah, it's okay." Jimin stood up and squated beside my chair, handing me a few tissue papers. He rubbed my back to calm me down. "You must be that scared, huh? Ah, gwaenchanha gwaenchanha. I'm here Hyera-ah."

It took me a few moments before really calming down and just in time before Jungkook arrives.

"Thank you, Jimin-ah."

Sunhi's POV

"Please, Sunhi. This is my last chance. If i fail this time, it'll be my last meeting with her. I would have to agree with my dad about studying abroad."

"Stop it, Iljoo. You know it won't happen. Her forgiving you, i mean. If only you didn't be as stupid as you were the other day, things wouldn't be as complicated you know?"

I caught sight of a couple walking towards the seat at the very far end of the cafe. The guy looks familiar. His cheeks looks chubby even from a distance. As he took the seat facing my direction, i've got a clearer view of his face.

Park Jimin.

And right at that moment, I know that the girl infront of him is none other than Min Hyera.

"Yah, there's your chance. She's there with Jimin. It's now or never. I'm not going to get your work done for you."

Iljoo extends his neck for a quick look before turning back to me.

"Alright, here goes nothing. I'll be making my way home afterwards so, annyeong Sunhi-ah. Thank you for your time."

He got up and made his way to their seats. I stayed and watched them from afar. A few moments after, Iljoo just made his way out of the cafe without any expression on his face.

Dumped again.

I turned to look at Hyera again and there, i see Jimin squatting beside her with his left hand rubbing her back.

I just don't get it. Just a few months back she was having some kind of a relationship with Taehyung. And then there's Iljoo, and now Jimin? What's with her getting all the boys for herself?

I've been seeing a lot of her and Jimin for the past month since our seats are changed. If this goes on, in a week i'll make her regret it. I don't care about the fact that she knows nothing of my feelings for Jimin. She should just stick to one guy from the beginning.

Or is it that hard for you, Min Hyera?

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