Chapter 14

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Iljoo and I hung out at the bubbletea cafe since he's a very big fan of bubbletea. He said he'd go out at night just to get this drink. How cute.

"Hyera-ssi," he said as we walked out of the cafe.

"I had a very beautiful time with you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to know you better."

We stopped and faced each other. One of his hand is in his pocket. He took out a small box .

"I've kept my feelings for you since your first day here. The moment you stepped in class. I know i'm rushing things, but i just don't want anyone else to get you before i do. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

It felt like the time stopped.

This god's masterpiece is asking me to be his girlfriend. How could anyone say no?! But that's the problem, i've only known him and we just went out together today.

"Can you... Give me time to think, Iljoo? This is too sudden for me."

"Sure, take your time. But i want you to know that i really like you, Hyera."


Iljoo insisted on walking me home, but instead i made my way to the studio.

After all that sudden confession, i don't feel like going home and be alone. I feel like getting sick.

We separated ways when Yoongi walked down from the stairs and came out to see me.

"Who was that?" He asked after Iljoo greeted him and walk away.

"A.. Um.. Friend."

"A friend huh?"

"Yeah.. We went out to get bubbleteas. We were supposed to go yesterday but went to Daegu so-" i sneezed leaving the sentence discontinued.

"Yah, get in. It's getting cold, i don't want you to catch a cold," he said, opening the door and gestured me to go in.

We walked up to the dance studio and i sat at the side, where i sat when i first came here. I saw Taehyung and smiled at him but got a disgusted look in return.

What's his problem?

Just then, Jimin and Jungkook walked in and gave me a high-five. They sat with me and we had a chat. Taehyung sat at the other corner of the room with his phone.

"Has he been like that since school ended?" I asked the two boys.

"Pretty much. But it's also a good thing, he didn't make any mistakes," Jimin explained.

"Yeah! He did great, didn't he?" Jungkook agreed with Jimin.

"But we still have to repeat because Suga hyung keeps getting confused with the verses," he continued, making all three of us chuckle.

Yes, that's how my brother is.

"Oh, we'll talk later Hyera-ssi," Jimin and Jungkook excused themselves when Hoseok called them.

I kept on sneezing and started coughing while watching them dance.

Taehyung suddenly went out from his position, grabbed his jacket from the lockers on the other side of the room and went over to put the jacket on me.

"You're distracting me with your sneezes and coughs," he said before leaving me and went back in to his position.

"We'll have to start from the top because Taehyung went out," Hoseok oppa said and walked over to where i'm sitting.

"Are you okay? Get well soon okay! Remember that i'll bring you happiness always," he added and did an aegyo before turning and cued for the music once more.

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