Chapter 24

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Many of our family's close friends came to halmeoni's funeral.

After a few days in Daegu, Yoongi and I decided to head back to Seoul due to work and school.

Songs were playing via bluetooth from Yoongi's phone when a text came in.

"Read it for me" Yoongi passed his phone to me.

The notification is seen on the lockscreen.

"It's from V" I gulped.

From : Alien Taehyung
Hyung! Where have you been? Is Hyera with you? I'm sorry i left her on our way to school the other day. Please tell me she's with you... I'm worried..

Odd, that simple text made me smile.

I read the text and Yoongi simply nod. We continued our journey with me trying to rap to Yoongi's songs. Damn he's fast.

I'm trying really hard to not be sad. I know halmeoni wouldn't like that but there's not a single night where I don't cry myself to sleep.


"Hyera!! Where have you been?"

I simply stare at Sunhi before sitting down and settling my head on the desk.

She sat at Taehyung's place and placed her hands on my back, and that's when i cant fake it anymore.

I started crying. It started soft but gets harder and harder. Sunhi panicked.

"Yah! Why are you crying? Hyera-ssi... Tell me what's wrong with you..."

A moment of silence and i heard Taehyung and Jimin entered the class. How'd i know, you ask? Easy, they're noisy.

"What's with her?" I heard Taehyung ask.

"I don't know.."

"Hyera-ssi.. What's wrong?" Jimin asked next.

I didn't say a word. Good thing Iljoo's not here today, or it'll get really annoying.

Sunhi exchanged seats with Taehyung for the day. She stayed and calmed me.

On recess, only Sunhi, Jimin and I are in class. Taehyung went out to i dont know and i dont care where.

I'm emotionally too tired to care now.

Taehyung's POV

She's been crying this morning and she didn't speak a word to anyone, including Sunhi! I heard that she lost someone important in her life.

"How long are you planning to treat her like this, V?"

Until she's done with Iljoo.

"Look. You can do whatever you want. But don't make her have a harder time. She just lost her grandmother, why can't you atleast be considerate to that fact?"

I stared blankly at the ground.

"And.. I don't think iljoo and her are having anything. You know that, V. You read their texts and he's always the one who texts first. Not to mention his double, triple, quadruple texts. Ugh, annoying"

I remained quiet. I'm out of words. I can't argue about this with Jimin, his points are true.

"I'll leave you to think."

He exited the room, leaving me alone with my killing thoughts.


"So... results?"

"What results?"

Jimin looked over to Suga who's sleeping on the couch. We've just finished with our individual shots for the advertisement.

It's been almost a month since we last talked about Hyera. We've only debuted and with our tight schedules, who could possibly start up a chill conversation.

We often skip school due to our schedule. The last I heard from Hyera was a couple of weeks back.

She broke up with Iljoo.

That was the last time i talked to her. I don't know what got into me, but I'm trying so hard to keep myself away from her.

"I don't know," I answered Jimin after a few moments of thinking.

"V, she caught Iljoo cheating on her with her own eyes. Her grandmother left her. She needs you, she's having a hard time. Why won't you talk to her again? It's been a month since you've seen or talked to her."

I stared down at the ground and my phone suddenly rang.

Min Hyera <3

That's what appeared on my screen. Both Jimin and I looked at the phone before he spoke up,

"If you're not going to do it, then i will. Let's see how bad you're gonna beg for me to stop when she falls for me"

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