Chapter 17

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"Hyera-ssi, how are you?"

"Never better!" I said that and a cough followed.

"You don't sound like you are"

"It's just a cold"

"Don't forget to take your medicine and get well soon, okay!"

"Sure sure, thank you"

"Hey, i'm sorry for not telling you that we're not going to be around for a few weeks.. I thought Suga hyung told you alr-"

"Nah, it's okay. You guys just do your work and don't worry about me, i'm always cheering for you guys!! Bangtan Boys Fighting!!"

"Hahaha alright i have to go. Say hi and sorry to Sunhi for me okay? Bye~"

And that's how my conversation with Jimin went when he called me last night.

Taehyung's POV

"She sounded really sick,"

Jimin called Hyera for me. I don't have the guts to do it myself as i know i wont be in a good mood if i do so.

"When are you going to confess to her, Taehyung?"

Yes, that's the question that i've been asking myself as well, Jimin. I don't even know. I'm scared of her reaction.

"Or do you want to wait till the day when she accepts Iljoo to be her boyfriend, then you'll confess? Not a good idea, though"

"I'll tell her when we get back"

"Tell who what?"

And just then, Suga hyung decided to come in and interrupt our little talk about his dongsaeng.

I'm screwed.

"Wait, Taehyung-ah. You didn't tell him?!"

"Shut up Jimin," i said as calm as i can.


"Hyung, I like Hyera. Min Hyera, your sister."

There. I've said it.

Tell Hyera I love her and that i'll watch over her from up there, thank you.

"And you expect that I didn't know that?"

"You knew?"


"Yah, you made me take her to Daegu on a school day and went all cold-hearted after knowing someone confessed to her before you did, of course i know. It's obvious, dumbo"

This hyung.

"Plus, you totally took the chance to hold her the other day"

He said and finished it off with an imitation of how i explained 'i didn't know how that happened'.

"So hyung, aren't you going to kill me?"

"I will if you make my princess cry. Besides, i barely know that Iljoo guy so I doubt that he'll take good care of her," he said, opening a can of coke.

"Let's go, we're starting in 10 minutes," he added and exited the room.

"So, you got her brother's approval. What are you waiting for?" Jimin blurted out.

"How far is Seoul from here?"

"One night's drive but i doubt that we'll get approval to go out any time soon,"

"How about flight?"

"A few hours. Maybe"

"Alright. I'll talk to the manager."

"Wait, you're not planning to-"

I left Jimin in the room alone and made my way to meet manager hyung.

I hope he'll be okay with it.




"Yes, but with a few conditions."

"Okay, shoot."

"You're not allowed to go on your own. One night and then you come back here or you'll get in trouble"

"Okay. I'll bring Suga hyung and Jimin with me."

"I'll book the flight for tomorrow morning so you'll get there in the afternoon."

"Alright, thank you hyung. i LOVE YOU"

I hugged manager hyung excitedly and rushed over to Suga hyung and Jimin to tell them about it. They seemed surprised but was okay with it anyway.

Min Hyera, you're mine.


Hyera's POV

School was tiring. We had PE and again, i fell because i'm just bad with shoelaces.

It somehow reminded me of how Taehyung treated my wound. It's only been two weeks since he's gone but it feels like years. No more alien to make me laugh and have a good time.

Why do i miss him so much? I don't like him.


I've been hanging out with Iljoo and Sunhi a lot since V hasn't been in school. I've seen the true colours of Iljoo within those days and i thought maybe, just maybe, i should accept him.

Iljoo insisted in walking me home.

"Um, iljoo"


We stopped in front of my gate and faced each other.

"About your confession the other day"

"So, you've thought about it?"



"The answer is yes.."



He pulled me in for a tight hug. I didn't hug him back at first, but when i did the gate of my house opened.

There, a figure of someone i've missed so much appeared. I backed away from Iljoo and turned to face the figure.


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