Chapter 29

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I made my way to Sunhi's first thing in the morning. She hasn't been in school for too long, it's going to be a burden to her one day.

As i reached her house, she has just exited with her uniform.

So she's not planning to stay in for a longer period. I see.

She waved at me as she sees me and walks over to where i am.

"What are you doing here, Jimin-ah?"

"To drag you to school. But it seems like you're fine so let's just go now. We're going to be late." I said cooly and walks ahead of her.

Hyera's POV


I crashed her into my arms and hugged her tight. It's been a week since i last saw her and i'm glad she's here today.

"I got grounded. My mom knew what i did to you.. I'm sorry Hyera-ah."

"Yah yah. Stop. It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding. I'm okay. Please don't cry." I hugged her tight again and let her cry on my shoulder.

A few moments later, Jimin came with Taehyung and we broke the hug.

"Hi Sunhi-ah. How are you? Hyera has been concerning about you for a week and it's driving me crazy."

I secretly pinch Taehyung's arm making his flinch and he shots his boxish smile at me as he rubs the area that i pinched.

Today, somehow, is a normal day. It's back to the way it was a few months ago. The only thing different is we're much closer than before. With Iljoo not bothering me anymore, having bestfriends and a loving brother by my side is more than enough for a girl could ask for.

They walked me home and were invited to stay for dinner. Yoongi has really been into cooking, i wonder why..

"Hyung, are you dating someone?" Taehyung said as if he can read my mind.

"What? No no no. I have too much swag to date people."

"But hyung, we won't know. Maybe that girl you're dating has the same level of swag as you?"

"Ah no no not happening. Now shush, i can't cook with you disturbing me, alien."

We all chuckled to ourselves. Hyesun walks down the stairs with a teddy bear in her hands. It looks like she's up from her little nap. She goes straight to Taehyung and hugged him.


"Hyesun-ah. How was your nap?"

"It was okay but i'm bored now"

"Want oppa to play with you?"

Her eyes light up as soon as she lift her head to look at Taehyung's face and she nods, earning herself a smiling Taehyung. He then picked her up and swing her around making her giggle and they exited the house to play outside. Jimin, Sunhi, Jungkook and I are left inside talking and admiring the two happy aliens outside.


We had just finished dinner and are chilling outside the house. Since its a weekend tomorrow, they decided to stay the night.


"Arasseo arasseo hyung. We get it" Taehyung interrupted Yoongi's lecture.

We each have a cup of hot cocoa and a few snacks are displayed on the table. We are playing a game of truth or dare with a spinning bottle. Till this moment, the bottle has never stopped at Taehyung's direction but as soon as i spun the bottle on the last round, it finally stopped at him.

"Truth or dare?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung took a minute before saying, "Dare"

"Confess to your crush," Jimin stated the dare and earned himself a blank tae.

"I will but i don't know when yet"

"Say, Taehyung-ah" Sunhi spoke up. "Since it's winter soon, how about you confess when the first snow falls? Well, that's what i'm planning to do by the way."

All of us looked at her before Taehyung said okay. We, then, ended the game there. The night is still young but our tired minds and body begs to rest.


We're starting our winter break tomorrow and we have everything planned out. I can't wait to spend more time with my friends!

"Bad news," Jimin said, holding his cellphone as he takes his seat at the cafeteria table.

"We have to cancel a part of our plan. Since we've just debuted a few months back and our schedules are pretty much packed.. it's really hard for us to spend time like how we used to. But i, sorry, we promise you that we'll make it up to you guys."

"Ah. It's okay! My boys are going to be international idols. I'm so proud of you.." I said, wiping away an invisible tear on my cheek.

Though i'm actually really sad about the fact that we're going to meet rarely after this, but i'm sure it will all be worth it and this friendship won't go to waste. I really hope so.

A few days later, Yoongi said that they are going out for dinner. The whole group and Sunhi and I are allowed to come too since we're considered as close friends of the members. The four of us, Jimin, Taehyung, Sunhi and I were the last to exit the restaurant.

Whilst we're walking, it starts to snow lightly and all 9 of us stopped in our tracks and admire the sky.


This is the second last chapter of this book. I hope you enjoy reading since this is my first attempt to write a book of 30 short chapters. I'm trying really really hard. jINJJA!! c:

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