Chapter 20

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"Why are you out here, Sunhi-ah?" Taehyung asked me out of nowhere.

"Oh, uh- i was about to go in," i lied.

Nobody really know how i feel towards Jimin. Who would? He's nice to everyone in school, or maybe everyone in the world and i'm just a speck of dust in the galaxy.

Taehyung and I entered the room, making Jimin startle at our sudden entrance.

"Hey, Sunhi. Why didn't you call when you arrived?"

"Hey. Oh, sorry. My phone ran out of battery," i lied again and he nodded.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked as i looked over to see Hyera's pale face. It kinda looked like Yoongi oppa's face, but then again they are siblings. Silly me.

"The doctor said she's lack of water and idk... Food?" Taehyung spoke as he sits beside her and held her hand.

"She'll be warded till Saturday,"

"Ah~ alright."

The silence in the room was broken when Yoongi oppa came in, panting.

"Hyung, wh-"


The three of us looked at one another, each with puzzled faces.

"I was walking around-" he stopped and took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "Then i felt like going to the toilet. I didn't think there would be anyone in there, so i just kicked the door open," he stopped again, but this time he's trying to hold his laugh.

This oppa, weird.

"A patient was... *Fapping..."

Anddddddd, he bursts out laughing making all three of us laugh too.


"We'll get going now, our flight is in two hours. Thank you for looking after her while i'm gone."

"While we're gone, hyung. Don't forget me!" Taehyung said as he pulled the cover up for Hyera.

"Shut up, v."

Yoongi and Taehyung exited the room after waving and giving me a small smile. Jimin got out last since he was charging his phone and struggled with the socket.

When he's finally done dealing with the socket, he gave me an eye smile.

"I'll get going now. Thank you, Sunhi-ah. Take good care of her, alright?"

He waved me goodbye and exited the room.

I will, but not for you.

Taehyung's POV

A week isn't long, right?

I didn't really want to part from Hyera again, especially when she's sick and is in the hospital now. But enough me, Suga hyung must've feel even worse than I am.

If it's not our debut, I wouldn't want to leave Hyera. I'd prefer staying there in her hospital room, watching Suga hyung look after her like a great brother he is.


Half asleep Suga hummed.

"Are you okay?"

He hummed again and i dropped the topic.

I was talking to Jimin when Suga hyung called me.

"Yes, hyung?"

"Do you think she'll be okay?"


"Don't worry, hyung. Sunhi is there to look after her for you," Jimin cut me off.

"Yeah, hyung. In fact, she'll prepare you a delicious dish when you get home!!"

"Yah, pabo." He smacked my thigh. "She doesn't know how to cook."

"Pizza's delicious. Isn't that right, Jimin-ssi?"

"Yeah, very!"

We joked and saw Suga hyung smile slightly.


[Update : 5th July 2016]

Since many asked, fapping is the act of the male masturbating or jacking off. If you want a detailed explanation... well, 'fap' is the sound made when a male masturbates soooo yeahhhh

omg my inner hoe is making its appearance 😂

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