Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning with the feeling of something burning beside me. I sat up and my eyes adjusted to the morning light.

Am I sweating or- Oh shit, Hyera.

Hyera's lying beside me, struggling with the blanket that failed to cover her whole body up. Her face looks pale and she's sweating so much.

"I'm f-freez-ing"

I placed my palm on her forehead and yes, her temperature is high. Nobody should be this high of a temperature.

"hYUNG!" I shouted as I made myself stand beside the bed and walked over to Suga hyung's room.


I knocked on his door like a madman. Why isn't he opening it up?


and the door slammed open.

"yah what's your problem at this time of the day" he said as he's walking lazily back to his bed.


"What's with her?"

"her temperature isn't good"

His eyes widened before storming out of his room and rushed to Hyera's side.

"We need to get her to the hospital. Fix yourself then carry her to the car."

I fixed myself by simply washing my face and putting on a jacket. I picked Hyera up, carefully walk down the stairs and went straight to the car.

"Hyung must've woke Jimin up," I thought as I saw nobody on the couch downstairs.

I sat at the back with Hyera's head on my lap and we're off to the hospital.


The doctor said that Hyera's going to be warded for at least a week. She hasn't been getting enough of the food pyramid and she hasn't been drinking enough water for the past few weeks.

I wonder why is that?

The problem is, we are supposed to get back to the venue by today but we can't leave her alone.

"how about school, hyung?"

"I've called Ms. Jung. What time is our flight?"


Suga hyung looks very stressed out. His only sister is in the hospital and he can't stay to watch her over. He must feel awful about it.

"I can call Sunhi," Jimin spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"Yes, please. she should look after her while I'm gone"

Jimin walked out of the room to make that call and came back in after a few minutes.

"She'll be here in an hour."

I heard Suga hyung sighed in relief before he asked, "Who's coming with me to the cafeteria?"

"I'll go. You want anything, V?"

"Anything will do."

And they walked out of the room, leaving Hyera and I alone.

I stared at her peaceful face as she's sleeping. I brushed her hair, her cheek and then her lips. I was about to lean in and kiss her before Suga hyung and Jimin entered the room.


"I'm going to the toilet," i said and stood up from the chair.

"I'm going to get some air. Jimin, call me if Sunhi's here."

Jimin nodded and we head out of the room.

Sunhi's POV

Hyera's in the hospital? But when did Jimin arrive here? Is he alone? What is he doing with Hyera?

So many unanswered questions, but i may get the answers when i get there.

"Excuse me, im looking for Min Hyera. Which room is she in?" I asked the nurse in charge as i got there.

"Min Hyera is in room 308, miss. It's on the 3rd floor, you may take this elevator and walk along the green line." She explained, not once did her smile disappear.

I thanked her and followed the green line she mentioned earlier.

"Ah, 308. This is her room."

I looked through the small window on the door. To my surprise, there's Hyera lying asleep on the hospital bed and beside her... Jimin.

I couldn't really see his face as he's not facing my way, but i'm sure that's him since his cheeks looked chubby even from a distance.

What is he doing here alone with Hyera?

I was about to open the door and walk in but stopped when i saw him lean in and his face wasn't far from hers.


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