Chapter 11

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Taehyung and i was just sitting at the dinner table with a cup of hot drinks each. It's still raining outside. I hope Yoongi gets here safely.

As if on cue, the gates opened and his car swiftly get through and stopped in front of the garden, where he usually parks.

"Yah, you,"

Yoongi stepped into the house and pointed at Taehyung who wrapped himself with the towel i gave him.

"What did you do to my sister? Tell me or i'll kill you. I don't care if you're in the same group as i am," he continued talking fast as if he's rapping.

He's damn good.

Taehyung looked at Yoongi with his blank face.


After listening to a long ass explanation, Yoongi sighed.

"I don't think the rain's gonna stop any time soon. So," he looked out the window for awhile. "You can stay here for the night."

WHAT? Is this really Yoongi? Wow, I didn't expect that to come out from him. Maybe because Taehyung is his dongsaeng in Bangtan. Well, maybe.

"Go take a shower. I'll give you what to wear later then come down and eat," Yoongi said sounding like dad. Funny, even dad doesn't sound like that.

"You too," he added, looking directly at me.


That night, the three of us had dinner and chatted for a while. Yoongi made us both take medicines because we got caught in the rain earlier.

"Yah, V. You can sleep in my room tonight. I'll sleep here,"

"Hyung, seriously? Thank yo-"

Yoongi threw a pillow to Taehyung's face that made me chuckle.

"Shut up. Now you two go to sleep, you have school tomorrow."

And we both made our way upstairs. The rain still haven't stopped. Thunders can still be heard loud.


"Yeah?" I said as I'm about to close the door.

"Do you have any.. Um.. Plush toys?"

What is this that I'm hearing?

"Uh.. I'm scared and I can't sleep, I left my.."

He continued looking as embarrassed as he could and stopped mid-sentence.

"Here," I went inside my room and grabbed my lion plush toy. It was my birthday gift from my aunt a few years ago. "Take this," I said as I pass him the toy.

"It looks just like mine! Thanks!" He squealed and gave me his boxish smile.

He's so cute when he does that. It makes me smile too.

"Goodnight, Hyera-ssi"

I smiled and we went inside our rooms to sleep.


The next day, I woke up to the roar of a car engine. It's only 7 and school starts at 8:30. I went downstairs to see freshly cooked food on the table. Beside it, is a note. It's from my brother.

"Kids, I'm out to work on the album. Eat up and go to school. I'll be home late, so Taehyung is allowed to walk you back home later. Finish your assignment tonight, but don't do anything stupid or I'll kill you Taehyung. This hyung has too much swag to even control you. Behave.     - Suga"

I went upstairs with the note to wake Taehyung up. I opened the door slowly and saw him sleep, hugging the toy tightly. He looks so calm. I wonder why he's been acting cold to me all of a sudden.

I sat beside him and patted lightly on his leg to wake him up.

"Taehyung-ah, wake up. Suga has gone out and he left a note for you."

He didn't reply but instead, he turned his body to where i'm stitting.

"10 more minutes," he said with his husky, sexy morning voice without even opening his eyes.

"Come on Taehyung, we have scho-"

I stopped when Taehyung suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down, making me lay beside him. We're so close that i can even hear him breathing.

"I said 10 more minutes."

"Um.. Okay."

10 minutes later, he unwraps his arm and stood up. I did too. We stared at each other for a while before he makes his way to the bathroom.

"Wow," i thought to myself and left the room to take a shower and get ready for school.

Half an hour later, I went downstairs to see him already at the table in his school uniform. Lucky for him, Yoongi washed and dried his uniform last night.

"Morning," he said with a smile.

How can he act like nothing happened when I can't get that scene out of my mind?

"Morning," I replied and take my seat in front of him, where he put my plate.

We then ate our breakfast and made our way to school. The walk was normal. He didn't mention anything about earlier.


"So how's your assignment going?" Sunhi asked when we were on our way to the cafeteria.

Taehyung and Jimin had to meet Mr Shin at the staff room. I wonder what's their business with him.

"It's been fine. Taehyung has been very busy, so it takes time to even finish one part of it."

"I envy you, Hyera."

"What? Why?"

"Nothing. It's just that you and Taehyung seems pretty close huh?"

"Yeah, I guess?"

I don't know why Sunhi suddenly brought that subject up. But she dropped it when we arrived at the cafeteria.

We are close. Too close. Good thing you didn't know what happened earlier this morning, Sunhi-ah.


"Why do you and Jimin always have to meet Mr Shin?" I said as the teacher walked out of the class.

The last bell rang and everyone is rushing to go home. Meanwhile Taehyung and I are both keeping our stuff calmly.

"We aren't going to be in school for a couple of days, so some stuff had to be settled befo-"

"Hyera-ssi! Is your assignment done yet?"

Oh, Iljoo is still here.

I thought he went out a few minutes ago?

"Uh, hi Iljoo..."

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