Chapter 18

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"T-taehyung-ssi" i said, surprised to see him there at my house.

I could see him holding a rose in his hand before he hid it behind him.

"Yah, Taehyung. She should be home by no-"

Yoongi oppa said as he walks out, leaving his sentence undone when he looked up from his phone and saw me with Iljoo.

"I'm going to the provision shop for a while," Taehyung said before leaving us.

Just then, Jimin came out running. He just smiled at me before walking by Tae's side.

Taehyung's POV

How dare she lie to me saying that she has nothing for the guy? I came running back just to see her in his arms.

"I'm a fool"

"Yah, don't say that."

"I should've just told her earlier"

"Nobody saw this coming, V. She looked surprised when she saw you. Maybe even Hyera didn't see that coming."

"Yeah but they're official now..."

"High school relationships won't always result to marriage in the future. You still have time."



"Thank you."

"Yah, stop. You sound gay"

He chuckled, making me chuckle too.

We bought ice cream and walked back to the house.


The house was quiet. No signs of Suga hyung nor Hyera. I wonder where they went. Jimin and I just sat there in the living room watching the television when they came back.

"Hey" i said.

Hyera looked like she cried. She ran up the stairs without even bothering to look at me.

Is she okay?

"Hyung, what happened?" Jimin asked as he knows that i wanted to ask but the thought of Hyera crying is disturbing me.

Yoongi's POV

"What do you think you're doing with that boy? I left you for two goddamned weeks and that's what you're doing here?"

"Oppa, it's not what it looks like..."

"Oh yeah? Then what? Did you let him step into the house? What else did you do? I'm so ashamed of you. You're graduating next year but you can't even differentiate what's right and what's not."

Tears started to fill my eyes. I know she did nothing, but i just had to scold her like this. I dont favor her being with that Iljoo guy. Who knows he has a scheme behind all this, and maybe even put my little sister in danger?

I don't want that to happen. Be it her with the alien, atleast i know he's harmless.


"No. I'm not letting you see him again. It's final. Not even being friends."

"Who do you think you are? You can't tell me who to be friends with! If dad was here, he wouldn't either!"

"Really? So you've learn how to talk back to me now? I'm your brother for pete's sake. Oh, dad is not here so i'm in charge. Whatever happens to you, i'm getting trouble for it. Keep that in mind."

She starts to sob. I'm sorry Hyera...

"Can't you see that i care for you? You're my sister and i love you. I dont want anything bad to happen to you. I'd kill myself if it happens.."

"Don't say that. It won't happen, so don't.."

And we just sat there. People started coming to the park that evening and most of them stared at us as Hyera's still crying and I did nothing to calm her down.

"Come on, let's go home. People's staring at us"

We stood up and made our way back to the house.


"You should talk to her. Calm her down. I'm giving this chance only once. Take it or leave it."

I said to Taehyung before leaving them and lock myself up in my room.

Taehyung's POV

"You should talk to her. Calm her down. I'm giving this chance only once. Take it or leave it."

Should i? I wouldn't get this chance again if I don't take it now.

"Go, V." Jimin squeezed my shoulder and gave me an assuring smile before walking over to the couch.

It's now or never.

I walked up to Hyera's room. Surprisingly, it wasn't locked. I guess she's too tired that she forgot to lock it.

When i entered the room, i saw her on the bed faced down. Sobs could still be heard. I walked over and sat by her side on the bed.

"Hyera-ssi. Stop crying, i'm here."

Her sobs got even more uncontrollable and i placed my hand and rubbed her back to calm her down.

"I'm an embarrassment to everyone"

She said in between sobs. I hate to see her cry like this. It makes me want to shelter her more.

"No you're not," i said and pulled her into my arms. She was still crying hard making my shirt wet. I gently combed her hair with my fingers.

"Yah, stop crying."

And it went on like this until she's out of energy and slept in my arms.

"I love you, Hyera."

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