Chapter 25

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"I've got complaints from the other teachers that you had too much fun talking in class while they're teaching. So, I'm shifting your seatings and you are not allowed to change without my permission."

Silence filled the room as wild thoughts of hate come across everybody's minds.

"Lastly, Hyera and Jooyoung. Exchange your seats."

The two gathered their stuff and went to their new seats.

"That's it for today. Any problems, come see me in the teachers' lounge."

Well, atleast she's not sitting with Iljoo. I've seen him bother her these few days. Begging and promising stuff. Just the thought of that makes me sick

As the recess bell rang, I went up to the rooftop alone. Jimin and I weren't really talking to each other. Hyera went with Sunhi and I really just have no intention to talk to anyone.

I went back to class a little early than the others. Little by little people started coming in and by the time the teacher came in, everyone except Jimin is present.

Where is he?

As if on cue, he came in class with an eye smile, slightly panting and handed a piece of paper to the teacher.

"Yoora, the homeroom teacher wants you to exchange your seats with Jimin. It says here that he's not seeing very well from the back."

Crazy bastard.

This can't be happening.

I saw Hyera smiled widely when Jimin got his stuff settled beside her. That smile, it's been long since i've seen that. I tried to stay mad, but it's useless. She knows how to calm me down without even trying.

Throughout the periods until the end of the lesson, I've been seeing the two have so many things to share. They've been laughing and pinching each other. Aren't they supposed to focus? Isn't that the main reason why our seats are changed in the first place? Ugh this jealousy. Why is this happening?

You're too slow.

That little voice in my head may be true but.. I just can't seem to find the right time to confess to her. Not to forget my fear of rejection.

God damn it, Kim Taehyung!

Hyera's POV

"Hyera... I'm so sorry. I was so stupid to have done that to you. It was a mistake, i swear."

Can't Iljoo just stop already? I'm tired of hearing his lame excuses.

I tried walking away but he grabbed my arm. His grip was so tight, i couldn't feel my own arm.

"Yah, let her go."

"Why should I do that? Go stuck up your nose into someone else's business."

He tried dragging me away but failed when Jimin grabbed his arm.

"I said let her go. Cooperate while i'm being nice to you."

Iljoo looked at Jimin. His face was full of hatred while Jimin remained calm. Iljoo eventually left us and i sighed in relief.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, i'm fine. Thank you, Jimin."

"It's okay. That's the least i can do for a friend."

We smiled and he took a glance on his watch.

"Recess's almost over. Go back to class first, I'm maybe coming in late."

He gave me a smile before walking away.

"What were you and Jimin talking about?"

"Ah, he shooed Iljoo for me. Come on, Sunhi-ah. Recess's almost over."


"So what really happened between you and Iljoo?"

The teacher has a meeting, it's free period and everyone's going crazy in class.


Jimin looked at Iljoo who's already looking at him. I guess he's still not over about what happened earlier. I turned my head to look at Iljoo too but my gaze only lasted for a few seconds.

"Oh, him. That crazy bastard. Well, I went over to his house that evening to pass him his book back. Then, i saw him kissing a girl out in front of his gate."

"Ah, i see"

"I can still forgive him if it was a popo on the cheeks, but they were literally kissing. Huh, don't worry Jimin-ah. I'm not even hurt. I guess i never had any feelings towards him to start with."

I smiled and got myself one in exchange.

"I'm going to the toilet," Jimin got up from his seat and left.

I was on my notes when someone smashed their hand on my desk. It was loud but not too loud for the whole class to hear. I look up from my notes to find Iljoo responsible for messing my notes up.

"What do you want?"

"I've been telling you that it's a mistake and i'm sorry. Why is it so hard for you to forgive me?" He's still talking about the same thing, except this time his voice is much louder.

"You think that simple sorry can resolve everything? You think your sorry could change the past? That simple sorry of yours doesn't mean a thing, Iljoo. Oh by the way, mistake? Well, i'd like it if that mistake's gonna happen only once in my life."

He harshly grabbed my hand, pulling me up to stand. The whole class looked at us and I saw Taehyung getting up from his seat. Iljoo was about to shout more unnecessary things at me but it was stopped from happening.

"What do you think you're doing?"

He looked at Iljoo's hand who's gripping mine.

"Let her go. Come on, Iljoo-ah. Do you think this could change anything? It'll make it worst, you know?"

Iljoo stared at him for a moment before turning to me.

"You're safe today, Hyera. Just wait until i get a hold of you," he threw my hand causing it to hit the table and walked away.

"Ow. That bastard."

"You okay?"

"Yeah i'm okay. Thanks."

i wriggled my hand, still staring at Iljoo.

Imma choke him to death one day

"Hey, but i thought you went to the toilet?" I asked as i gain my conscience.

"Yah, men get their business done fast and we don't wear make up."

We laughed and the teacher came in.

Throughout the rest of the day, a thought has been bugging me.

I hope Taehyung was the one who stopped Iljoo.




It's been a while since i last updated, joesonghamnida.

I had a few problems with my phone the other day and literally lost everything, including drafts of this book. But the great news is, my bestfriend got a hold of the plot and i'm able to re-write the chapters again. God bless you Ty <3

I know i'm almost 9 days late but... Happy new years!!! May 2016 be a great year for everyone especially our 7 dorks, Bangtan Boys.

I started school and it's only been a week since but it felt like months have passed and I'm a few months away from my public examination which is important for my future // i want to continue my studies abroad tho, Korea maybe? Hehe//

I'll try to make time to update. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!

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