Chapter 30 [Final]

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//Listen to the song i've put up there//

"Hyera-ah, i want to show you something" Taehyung shot a look at Yoongi and i saw him nod before taking my hand and pulled me through the crowd. We stopped at a water fountain and he held both of my hands, staring intently into my eyes.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Remember the dare Jimin gave me that night?"


"Well. That's what i'm doing. Min Hyera, we've known each other for quiet a while now and i'm tired of lying to myself. I like you, a lot. But i can't say that i love you just yet. I want to make it official tonight but in my condition, it's just too hard. I don't want you to get all the trouble for being with me. So i'm asking you to please, please and please wait for me. I promise you i'll come back and make this right for you, for us."

I'm just really touched by his words. And i thought, i would lie to myself if i said i have never had the slightest feelings towards him.

"I will, Taehyung. I will." I said in between sobs. "I heard you talk to me that night you came back from shooting. I also heard everything you said to me while i was in the hospital. Jimin whispered to me too, about you falling deeply for me. But I wasn't so sure at the moment. I went on with Iljoo because i thought i was delusional, how would someone like you fall for someone like me? I'm very thankful to have you by my side all this while and i hate it when you're not. If it wasn't for Jimin giving me strength, it would be the worst 3 months of my life."

He pulled me in for a hug and i hugged him back.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been that way. I was confused and i... I'm just so sorry."

"No, it's okay Taehyung. I'll wait for you."

"No matter what?"

"No matter what."

"Saranghae, Min Hyera."

"Nado, saranghae Taehyung-ah."

Jimin's POV

"Waaa, that's so pretty!!"


I managed to lure Sunhi into the gift shop. The display of mirrors here is just perfect for my little scheme.

"Here," i said as i turn to face her, holding up the mirror. "This. This image in the mirror is pretty. No, not pretty. But beautiful." I put the mirror back into its place and held both of her hands.

"The first snow, didn't you have someone to confess to?"


"I don't care to whom you are confessing to but Sunhi-ah.. I like you. I'm starting to fall deeply in love for you. I don't want you to think that i'm playing with you but, for the time being, i can't be with you the way i want it to, or you want it to. If you do want it by the way. Ugh what am i saying?!"

I must be out of my mind.

"What i'm saying is.. will you wait for me, Sunhi-ah? Until it's fine for me, for us to have a relationship?"

She nods. She actually nods. "I was going to confess to you, but you win. It's okay, i'm willing to wait. I've been waiting for you for so long, i don't see the problem of waiting anymore. You just go and do your thing, alright? I'll always root for you."

"Thank you, Sunhi-ah"

I pulled her in for a tight hug and kissed the top of her head.


3 years later.

Hyera's POV

"Come on Hyera! We're going to be lateeee~"

Sunhi and I are on our way to a fan meeting of our favorite boy band. They've been our favorite since, i don't know.. forever?

As we got there, it's already packed with fans and fansite unnies. A few reporters and broadcasters can be seen outside of the hall, means that they haven't arrived yet.

A few minutes of waiting and then the screams and camera shutters are heard.  7 dorks walk into the room with die-hard fan girls on their tails, earning disgusted looks from Sunhi and I.

A few interactions were made and then the meeting begins! One by one of the fans walk up to the stage and gets a chance to talk to the boys and even give them gifts. It's my turn and the first member for me to meet is, Jeon Jungkook.

"Hey Kookie~ You're all grown up now!!"

He shots his head up to the familiar aegyo voice i made and his eyes widen. I put my index finger to my lips, asking him to keep it a secret and he nods before having a little chat.

By the time i get to Taehyung, he's talking to Hoseok next to him and barely realized that it's me infront of him.

"Taehyung ah, it's been 3 years." I said with that same aegyo voice that only the 5 of us have ever heard. "I've been waiting.. like you told me to." He turns his head slowly and stared at me with hands making their way to hold mine. He squeezed my hands and shot a look at Yoongi at the end of the table and at Jungkook at the other end. Both of them nod and shot a small smile before returning to their fans.

"Y-you waited?"


And he flashes his boxish smile at me before saying, "Don't bother about being my girlfriend, okay?

Wait a little more. In a couple of years time, i'll make you my wife Min Hyera."


So that's it, the end of Stardust! Thank you for reading and i really appreciate your support ❤️ This book reached 1.6k and it got me really nervous. Tell me what you think and i'll try to improve my writing skills for the next book!

Love you lots xx

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