Chapter 15

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It's Sunday. I've been bedridden since Friday. I finally had the energy to wake up and walk around the house.

After a nice shower, i made myself to the kitchen and found myself a box of cold pizza and a note.

"Hyera my princess, i'm sorry for not telling you earlier but i won't be around for a few weeks due to work stuff. I wanted to tell you last night before i left but you were asleep and I didn't want to wake my little sister up just to make her day worst. I left money for you to buy food. Don't get home late. Study well. No boys allowed. I love you.  - Your swag oppa, Yoongi"


Okay maybe i need to calm down.

I took my phone out and dialled Sunhi's number. She answered on the third ring.

"Hello Hyera!!!"

"Yah Sunhi-ah!!! Are you free?"

"I'm always free for you! What's up?"

"I'm just bored. I've been locked up in my room since Friday due to fever."

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, never better."

"Okay, get dressed. I'll bring you somewhere. I'll be there in about, let's say 15 minutes?"

"Alright, cool. See you later!"

I ended the call and went upstairs. I decided to wear black jeans, a blank white tee and a grey cardigan over it.


"Yah, Taehyung looked lonely without you in school. He didn't talk to anyone except Jimin and Jungkook."

I froze when Sunhi mentioned his name. I don't know, I'm still figuring out what's got into him this few days.

"Oh, and Iljoo kept asking me what happened to you"

Iljoo. Which reminds me. Should i? Accept him? But Taehyung.. Wait. Why should i be worried about him? We're just friends!

We sipped the last of our drinks and Sunhi dropped me off in front of the house.

"You sure you don't want to stay over at my place until your brother gets back?"

"No, it's okay. Thank you Sunhi-ah!" I hugged her tight.

"Call me if anything happens, alright? Take care!"

And she drove off, leaving me alone in this house.

Since tomorrow is a school day, i finished all of my homework and went to bed early. Just as i closed my eyes, i received a text.

From : Kim Taehyung
Hyera-ssi, do me a favor. I'm not going to school tomorrow, so please tell Jooyoung that i'll pay him back some other day and blame this fever of mine. Thanks, bye.

I wanted to reply his text but i don't think i have anything to say apart from 'alright'. I locked my phone and put it aside before drifting away into a deep sleep.


"Why didn't you come on Friday?"

Iljoo sat at Taehyung's seat today. He's been helping me so much with my studies. And i also discovered that he's also a dork, but not enough to pass Taehyung's dorkness.

That alien.

Sunhi joined us that day. Jimin didn't come too. I guess he's looking after the alien? What a great friend. I decided to visit Taehyung at his house after school.

Sunhi accompanied me to his house. Our walk was basically filled with gossips and fangirling. Kai is so sexy, right? He's friends with Iljoo but i just can't look at him in the eye!

As we arrived at V's house, i tried talking through the intercom but no answer was heard. He's not home? Or maybe he's resting..

Taehyung's POV

There, i scheduled that text to be sent tomorrow night. I hope she isn't asleep yet when its delivered.

"Yah, are you done yet? We're gonna be late!!"

"Yeah yeah. Chill Joonie hyung."

We're going to a few places to get our music videos done and also to promote our debut album. It'll take almost a month, so i'll be away from her for a month, too.

"Hyung, did you tell her?"

"She was asleep but I left her a note but I didn't mention anything about it.. She'll be fine."

Suga hyung has too much swag, it scares me. I'm glad that he's nice to me, i wonder how will he treat me after knowing that i'm in love with his sister?

He won't eat me alive, will he?

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