Kiss You: chapter 14

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chapter 14


"Well, I'll never be able to unsee that," I commented while burying my face in Liam's clean black shirt. I could feel his pecs just beneath it and that was the only thing comforting me. Liam smiled a little and pulled me closer to his neck, rubbing my back. I shivered slightly at his touch but then slipped back into the pleasant feeling of his grip.

The girls joined us over in the living room as we turned off the movie. El and I had taken a stand against the boys and told them there was no way we would watch that.

"You're going to be okay, love, it was only a movie," Harry cooed, reaching for my hand and holding it tightly. Liam slapped Harry's hand but he held it anyway. I sat up and streched, feeling a loss of warmth when I left Liam's arms.

"Easy for you to say, Haz," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Well, I am fearless!" he boasted, flexing his muscles and smirking. I just laughed at him.

"You'll be fine Mary," Liam paused to smile at me encouragingly, "here, we'll do something to get your mind off it!"

"How about truth and dare?" Niall suggested. Harry's eyes lit up and a cheeky grin spread across his face.

"Yeah mate, that sounds like fun," Zayn commented, Perrie hanging on his arms.

We all agreed and sat in a circle on the floor. Louis went first of course, and dared Perrie to full on make out with Zayn in front of everyone. She got onto Zayn's lap, extending her long legs, and grabbed his face. She smirked and giggled before kissing him. Gosh they were adorable.

"Yay! That was fun," she said. "Is it my turn now?" Perrie asked, sitting perfectly on top of a very happy Zayn.

"Go for it!" Niall said, clearly just excited to be there.

"Hmmmm..." Perrie squinted her eyes and looked around the circle. "Liam!"

He looked like he had been caught off guard but he smiled. "Truth," he said.

"Okay... you're real quiet about this stuff so I want to know... what's the first thing you notice about a girl?" Perrie raised her eyebrows at Liam.

"coughcoughbumcoughcough" Harry coughed, making us all laugh.

"I like a girl who laughs a lot... I notice a nice smile," Liam said dreamily. I thought he glanced at me but I couldn't be sure because it was kind of dark. All the girls "awww"ed at his answer but a couple of the guys snorted.

"Ohhh please," Niall joked. "It's your turn to ask now, Liam." Niall clearly wanted to keep this game moving so he could get a turn.

"Well, how about..." his gaze landed on Hazza, "Harry!"

Haz shot up, surprised. Then he relaxed and said "DARE!"

"I dare you... to, um..." Liam seemed to be thinking. "Boys? Got any suggestions?"

Louis was always ready with an answer. "Make him sneak into the pool with his clothes on... with someone else!" The boys nodded with approval, but Liam looked confused.

"But, I thought the pool closed at ten?" Liam wondered aloud. We all snickered.

"I think that's the point of the dare, mate," Harry said. "But I'll do it! Now... who to pick to come with me...?" His eyes dropped down to me and a smirk came across his face. "Come on love, it's time to get wet!"

I blushed and shook my head vigorously, but Harry grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder. Wow, he was really strong, huh? I guess I didn't really have a choice.

As the boys laughed, we exited the hotel room and made our way down the hallway to the elevator.

Oh no... this is not going to be good...


Soooooo, what do you guys think is going to happen? And looks like a little romance there, hmmm? Do you ship Miam or Marry (they don't have good couple names haha) or neither? Maybe you ship Miall? Tell me in the comments pleeeeease! I would love to talk to my beautiful readers (I've never met you but just know that each of you is amazing in your own way) :)

I have a quick Harry fangirl rant I need to get out of my system...

Ok so have you all heard "Don't Let Me Go" aka HARRY'S SOLO SONG aka the song that makes me die inside because it's so amazing? Well if you haven't heard it then go look it up. It's beautiful :)

Thanks for bearing with me through my writing frustrations and random side comments about Harry.





- Meagan xx

Kiss You: a One Direction Fanfiction (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now