Kiss You: chapter 49

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chapter 49


I knocked on Mary's door, taking in a nervous deep breath. I wasn't quite sure how she was going to react to what I had to say to her. When she opened the door, her beautiful face made my heart pound a bit. 

She looked a little surprised to see me, but she smiled.

"Hello love," I grinned a goofy smile and walked into her room, softly closing the door behind me.

"Hi Liam," she said sweetly, taking my hand. She pulled me over to a spot where her suitcase sat packed on top of her blanket.

We sat together on her neatly made bed and I sighed. Go on, Liam, stop being a fool. Don't make yourself look foolish.

"What's wrong?" Mary asled, sensing my inner stress, I looked into her genuinely concerned eyes and instantly relaxed.

"Nothing's wrong, darling, nothing at all," I told her. Her eyes softened and I took a deep breath. "I was just thinking that we should talk about what we're going to do now that the boys and I are continuing our tour..."

"Yeah..." she agreed. I tried to read her eyes, but I wasn't sure how she was feeling.

"I, um... I was hoping you would agree to come along with us... You could travel with El and Perrie... we have a lot of fun on tour and I would really like you to come..." I looked at her, but she wasn't looking up. I continued talking, as I did when I was nervous.

"I've just been thinking that I don't want to have to leave you, and I think it would be great if you could come because I feel like I don't want to let you go like this and--"

Mary shut me up by planting a kiss on my lips. My eyes opened wide with surprise, then shut as I relaxed into our first kiss together. I fell back onto the bed, pulling her on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her dainty waist and moved my hands up her back until they reached her neck. 

She pulled away first, breathing heavily. She stared into my eyes, and I smirked a bit as her eyes brightened and she kissed me again, this time more deeply. I pulled away and looked at her intently, amused at her thirsty expression.

I flipped her over with one fluid motion of my strong arm, and soon I was above her. I studied her beautiful greenish eyes and cupped her face. I kept my other hand at the small of her back, lifting her a bit so she was arched up toward my face.

I tilted my lips until they met hers once again. I smiled into the kiss as I felt her hands grabbing at my shirt. I was just about to push her even further as the door opened.

We both pulled away, embarrassed that one of our friends had caught us like this. I knew that they already questioned me dating her, and now I looked like I was moving too fast.

Mary let out a small gasp as Harry stood, wide-eyed, in the doorway. His jaw was dropped and he looked as surprised to see us as we were to see him. I stuttered, not sure what to say. He looked horribly upset, but what could I say? She was my girlfriend. He had no reason to be mad at me for kissing my own girlfriend.

"Erm, sorry about that," Harry said, faking a grin. It turned out as a half-hearted smirk. His bright eyes dulled, reflecting his sadness.

"Yeah, come on, Styles..." Mary joked, trying to lighten the mood. I chuckled, then stopped when I saw how Harry was looking at Mary... MY Mary... MY girlfriend.

"Uhh," Harry stuttered, blinking quickly. He forced a light laugh as he stared at Mary. "Yeah, sorry..."

Harry's eyes showed a desire I hadn't seen in a while. There was a layer of sparkly tears over his eyes for a brief moment, until he blinked them away once again. I clenched my jaw as he looked down, then back up at her. Even when he looked her up and down longingly, I said nothing. His eyes reflected adoration and sadness.

He shook his head slowly, blinking again. He glanced at me, then turned back to look at Mary. She kept her eyes down, so he sighed and began to leave the room, never taking his eyes off Mary.

"Well," I began, not really sure how to continue.

"That was slightly awkward," she chuckled.

Mary seemed to have recovered from the uncomfortable encounter with Harry. She must not have seen how he was looking at her. I simply nodded my head, then smiled. 

"So... I'm guessing that's a yes?" I asked her quietly, smiling to myself.

"A yes?" She looked confused.

"You'll come with me on the tour...?"

She crawled over to where I had distanced myself earlier and kissed me on the cheek, leaving me with a grin on my face.

"Of course I'll come with you, Liam," she whispered into my ear. I lifted her up with me as I stood up, causing her to giggle.

"Come on, beautiful," I told her, watching her face light up at the pet name. "Let's go eat some breakfast."

She smiled as she leaned her fragile frame into mine. We walked out together. I noticed Harry was gone, but no one else acknowledged it, so I didn't mention the subject.

I just hope he wasn't too upset with me...


SORRY FOR THE FEELS GUYS but here's another chapter... this one's really long and I spent quite some time on it so I hope you like it :)

-Meagan xx

PS can you get me to 3K reads tonight? It'd make my day!! :D love you all

Kiss You: a One Direction Fanfiction (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now