Kiss You: chapter 48

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chapter 48


Erm... Harry. I fell asleep on him. And that dream about him... I couldn't get over his beautiful eyes. They turned so green when he was intently watching my face. But this was all just so wrong. I needed to stay as far away from Harry as I possibly could.

I thought of my boyfriend's lovely smile and felt horrible about what happened with Harry. I didn't mean to drift off in his arms... I was just very comfortable and the lack of sleep took over. It meant nothing...

Liam was my boyfriend, and I really liked him. I wanted to make sure that I never hurt him. He is such a darling boy... he shouldn't have to have any pain.

I sat in my bed as I heard the other gals getting ready for the day out in the other room. I was kind of waiting for someone to tell me to get up. This bed was comfy and I wasn't sure how the day was going to go. What was I going to do about the tour now that I was dating Liam? 

"Maryyyyyyy!" El's voice sang through the door. I heard her knock on the door and sighed to myself. I guess I better make myself at least presentable.

I could smell food, so I decided I should probably hurry so I could help the girls out a bit. I didn't want them to think I was selfish.

I threw on my favorite orange skirt and tucked the sheer white blouse into the waist. I put on a little eyeshadow, eyeliner and some blush, then looked at my reflection. I tossed my hair until the waves fell just right, then sat back down on my bed to finish packing my stuff.

"Hello darling," a voice said out in the kitchen.

"Hi Louis!" Eleanor's voice said sweetly. They were such a darling couple.

"Hey, where's the food?" An Irish accent filled the air. I giggled and rolled my eyes. Niall.

I heard all the boys' voices as they entered our hotel room. Harry made a pathetic joke about American food, Zayn greeted Perrie with a casual "hey babe," Louis was his loud and lovable self, and Niall continued to go on about the food. But there was one voice I didn't hear... my boyfriend's voice.

It wasn't like Liam to show up late to something. He was always right there in the crowd. Where was he?

I began to jump to the worst-case-scenarios. What if he decided that dating me was a mistake and wants to break up with me? What if he was't sure how to break it to me so he was just going to ignore me? What if--

I was interrupted by a loud rap on my door.


Sorry about the late update... I fell asleep from the painkiller drugs yesterday (I got a tooth pulled) so I didn't have enough energy or time to update. To make up for it, I'm posting this chapter plus a bonus chapter later on tonight. Y'all are lucky I love you. Haha enjoy it!





-Meagan x

Kiss You: a One Direction Fanfiction (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now