Kiss You: chapter 46

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chapter 46


Mary was sitting on my lap comfortably. I had my arms wrapped around her perfectly petite figure as we talked. Her mind was clearly drifting off... she hadn't gotten any sleep the past few days. Still, I tried to keep the conversation going.

"Do you think Liam loves you?" I asked her. 

"Mhm..." she mumbled absentmindedly. I could tell she was drifting off into sleep.

"Well if you ever find out he doesn't then I know someone who does..." I began quietly. My fingers twirled her beautiful brunette locks. I don't know why she hates her hair. It's so beautiful.

"Mhmmmmm..." She mumbled quietly. I wasn't sure if she could hear me or not, but I kept talking. 

"It's me," I whispered. 

"Mmmmmmm," she whined. Her eyes were closed and her head was drooped onto my chest. I think she was sleeping now.

"You need to know..." I said softly. Mary didn't respond. 

"I love you..." 

All that could be heard was the sound of Mary's deep breathing. In, out... in, out... in, out... I let my breathing blend into the sound of hers and soon our chests were rising and falling in sync.

I smiled down at her beauty as she reached further around my body, wrapping herself up in me.

Then my smile faded. This would be the last time I would hold her like this. We were probably leaving early tomorrow morning, and she would stay here in New York City. I wouldn't see her for quite some time. And besides, she was dating Liam now. Liam, one of my best friends... 

I sighed and began to stand up, lifting Mary with me.

I carried the girl I love to her hotel room and knocked on the door with a free hand. 

"Louis is that youuuu?" El called through the door flirtatiously.

"Uhm, no, it's me, Harry," I said, trying not to be too loud. I didn't want to wake Sleeping Beauty.

"Oh, sorry, here," El opened the door and gasped a little when she saw me holding Mary in my arms.

"Harry... what...?" Perrie voiced her confusion and I shushed her.

El nodded and led me to Mary's room. She winked and closed the door, leaving me alone with Mary.

I set her down on her bed and covered her with some blankets. She looked so peaceful. I leaned down closer to her beautiful face and smiled at her. Her hair was falling over her face, so I used a hand to swiftly brush it off away from her forehead. My lips followed my heart's desire as I pressed them against the top of her head.

I smiled to myself as I walked toward the door. I let my head turned to face the floor for a moment before glancing back up at her peaceful image. I switched the light off and walked out to two very judgmental-looking girls.

"So Harry," Perrie began, staring into me.

"Nothing happened!" I held my hands up in defense.

"Elllllll!" Louis' voice sang from the other side of the door. "I'm ready for you now!"

Eleanor blushed and yanked open the door. Louis stood there with a big smile on his face. His sweatpants hung off his hips a little and he held his shirt with one hand. When he saw us, his face turned red and he yanked his shirt back over his head, embarrassed.

"A man tries to surprise his girlfriend and he's met by a whole crowd of witnesses," Louis complained jokingly. "What's going on here anyway?" Louis eyed me as we laughed a little.

"Harry was just bringing Mary to her room because I guess she fell asleep or something," El told her boyfriend. Louis smiled at me and I shook my head.

"It's not like that, Lou," I told him sadly. 

Because they begged so much, I agreed to tell them what had happened. The girls "awww"ed when I told them and Louis just looked at me proudly. He slapped a hand on my back.

"It's okay," he paused to take a deep breath, "I guess it's just not meant to be..." I could see it was hard for him to say. It was pretty hard to hear, too. 

"Yeah, Niall told me the same thing earlier today..." I trailed off. 

"I'm sorry mate," Louis told me. The girls gave me sad, pouty faces in apology.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I turned to see Mary come out of her room, blinking her tired eyes.


Hey all, thanks for getting me 2K+ reads(: It means a lot!! And this chapter is dedicated to @giffyrocks for giving me such an encouraging comment. THANK YOU HUN!

-- Meagan xx

Kiss You: a One Direction Fanfiction (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now