Kiss You: chapter 45

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chapter 45


It was Harry. I was about to help this guy and it was Harry. HARRY. What was he doing kissing this chick anyway? What was going on?!

"Mary!" Hazza smiled at me as he pushed the girl off his chest. She appeared to be a bit tipsy as she tripped backwards and stumbled into a heap on the ground. I kept from laughing at how pathetic she looked.

"Who's this chick?" Miss hardly-any-clothes girl motioned toward me as she pulled herself up off the cold, hard ground.

"Uhm, this is... Mary," Harry came and stood next to me. I tensed up as his muscular arm brushed against my exposed skin.

"Yeah, and?" The girl who had been kissing Harry seemed really confused. She looked at me and growled.

"She's... Mary is... she's my... Mary is my girlfriend," Harry spat out the last part of the sentence as his fingers wrapped in mine.

No, no, no, no, no... I tried to pull out of his grasp, but he kept my hand tightly in his. I had to get out of this. With my luck, Liam would walk over here right now and see this. He would break up with me and I would lose the sweetest guy I had ever dated.

"WHAT? Why did you kiss me then?!" Harry looked at the girl as she yelled. 

"You asked me if I would kiss you for a picture, so I did it to be nice," Haz explained to the girl. "It was you who yanked me closer and tried to take off my clothes." He spoke calmly and even I felt a rush of relaxation listening to his slow British drawl.

"Well I... AGHH!" She screamed, throwing her hands up in the air. "That's it, I'm leaving," she huffed. She turned around to go, then pulled out a camera and snapped a picture of Harry and me holding hands. "Bye!"

"WAIT!" Harry screamed, his hand leaving mine. I stood silently with a shocked expression as Harry ran to the girl and tackled her. He took her camera out of her tiny hand and appeared to be deleting the picture. He got up off the girl once he was satisfied and handed the camera back to her.

"Have a nice night," he chimed as the girl stomped out of the hotel, screaming and huffing.

"What the heck just happened?!" I looked at Harry in confusion. He just smirked and sat down, pulling me onto his lap. I was too busy processing everything to realize he was holding me.

"Mary, I have something I need to tell you," he mumbled. I blinked at the realization that I was in Harry's arms. But I didn't get up. Instead, I nestled into his body, comforting myself with his warmth. I was really tired, and this was really comfortable. We were just friends anyway. Harry knew I was dating Liam--he wouldn't try to hurt Liam, would he?

"Mary?" Harry whispered.

"Mhmm?" I mumbled through my tired lips.

"You're amazing," he told me plainly.

"You are too Harry," I said, tracing circles on his tan arm. 

"You... you really think so?" Harry straightened up a bit.

"Mhm, you're a great friend," I was already starting to doze off. Something about Harry's calming voice, strong arms, and warm prescence made me relax whenever he was around me.

"A friend, huh?" Harry mumbled.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're my friend... all you boys are the best friends anyone could ask for..." I felt Harry's large hand run through my long hair. He twirled a strand around his finger as he was silent for a few moments. I didn't mind. I just sat in the comfortable silence and drifted further out of a totally concious state.

"What about Liam?" I blinked when Harry mentioned my boyfriend's name. What would he think if he saw me and Harry right now?

"He's the best boyfriend I've ever had," I told him simply.

"Do you love him?" Harry questioned me.

"Of course I... yes, I love all you guys..." I trailed off. My body took over as my eyes fluttered closed.

"Do you think Liam loves you?"

"Mhm..." I mumbled absentmindedly. I wasn't quite sure what Harry was saying anymore. My mind wasn't functioning properly and I didn't have the energy to comprehend my surroundings.

I drifted into a comfortable sleep with Harry's warm arms wrapped around me.

Kiss You: a One Direction Fanfiction (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now