Kiss You: chapter 50

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chapter 50


I cursed under my breath over and over again as I let my legs lead me to the only place that would relax me.

My entire self felt utterly devastated. Not only were they kissing, but they looked happy. Liam was on top of Mary, smiling into the kiss as she held his shirt with her petite hands. They fit into each other's grasp perfectly.

My leg extended and I kicked at the door to push it open, breathing in the chlorine-scented air. It felt hot and sticky, but the uncomfortable feeling was nothing compared to how much my heart hurt.

I thought that maybe, just maybe, she had felt what I did. I guess I was wrong. She seemed like she was in love with Liam... Apparently our kiss really was just "messing around" the other night. 

My eyes studied my reflection in the bug, empty pool. I peeled off my shirt while kicking off my shoes. I quickly yanked off my pants, not caring if anyone saw my boxers. I just needed to calm myself down.

The cool water hit my bare skin and I shivered as I sunk slowly into the water. I held my breath and dropped completely under the surface. I stayed under until I thought my lungs would explode, then popped up, gasping.

I glanced up at the door. I think I was expecting Mary to be there, waiting for me to reappear so we could talk. I think I hoped that she would be there, crying and telling me that she made a mistake. I let myself float on my back, imagining a world where Mary loved me.

She would be here right now. She would jump in here with me, not caring about her clothes. She would admit to being in love with me all aong. She would tell me that her and Liam were over. She would say that she only wanted me.

If Mary loved me, we would kiss passionately here in the pool. Liam would never re-enter her mind again. I would be her only thought.

She would be so overtaken with love that we would hold each other right here and never let go. We could touch each other all over here in the water, swimming around and talking about everything. We would fall deeper and deeper in love with every passing second.

I shook my head angrily, letting drops of water spatter across the pool. I wanted her... I needed her... and yet, she would never be mine.

My heart ached just thinking about her beautiful face. Liam got to touch that beautiful face whenever he wanted, but I had to keep my distance. She was his, not mine.

Couldn't she see how I felt? I loved her. I loved the way she walked with a carefree skip in her step. I loved the way she danced a little out-of-step from everyone else. I loved how she hummed to herself while brushing her hair and how she would smile at her own private thoughts.

I had fallen in love with the way her smile reached her eyes so perfectly and how she bit her lip when she was trying not to smile. I was in love with the way that she laughed at her own stupid jokes, plus anything else that was remotely funny. I had fallen for her lovable, carefree personality.

Unfortunately, Liam had fallen for her too. And she had picked him. I angrily thought of the morning that she had come out looking so beautiful, leaving Liam, Niall and me all speechless. But at least Niall left her alone. 

Niall... he had liked her too. But he had followed his own advice. Why couldn't I? Why couldn't I just forget her smile? I was in love with her, and there was no stopping the trainwreck that was my heart.

I slammed my fist on the water, letting a stray tear slip out of the corner of my eye. I became angrier at myself for crying over a girl. I hated how I had fallen for someone who didn't feel the same way.

I leaned against the wall and tried to clear my head. What was wrong with me? I needed to get over her before my heart breaks completely.

I'm Harry Styles! I could have whatever girl I want. Girls were constantly swarming me. And I saw their blogs. They wanted me more than anything. I could have any girl I choose, and she would do whatever I wanted.

Too bad I had already fallen in love with the one girl I could never have...


I was practically crying while writing these last two chapters. I would feel horrible hurting either Harry OR Liam... how would you handle that?

Anyway, I want to say a big thank you to you, my lovely readers, for getting me to 3K+ reads. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but to be honest I know my story isn't the best. I read all these stories that have millions of reads and they're just so amazing. I only wish mine could be half as good. But thank you all for getting me here. 50 chapters in and I'm nowhere near done... keep reading loves, and I'll keep writing. You're all amazing... thank you so much! :)

-Meagan x

Kiss You: a One Direction Fanfiction (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now