Kiss You: chapter 38

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chapter 38


I can't believe this is really happening. I must actually be attractive somehow. At least, to these boys I was... that or this outfit is pure magic. Eleanor did have some really great style.

I fixed my hair as I saw the Disney store up ahead. I peered over at Liam and winked.

As soon as I did it, I felt really stupid. He must think I'm a total creep now. But his sweet smile relaxed my worries and I began to pull away from Niall and Zayn to stand next to Liam.

"Come on," Liam grinned, pulling me off to the side. I giggled again and he yanked my arm down into a little playhouse. I got in and sat up. There wasn't a ton of space, so my legs were pressed up against his.

"I've waited so long to be alone with you," Liam whispered under his breath. My face went blank. Did he really like me? This wasn't a joke...?

"Really? And why is that?" My eyebrows shot up and I hid back a little grin.

"Well, I've had some feelings for you since we were back on the x-factor..." Liam giggled. He actually giggled. He just seemed so happy about finally saying it. I got the feeling that he had never told anyone.

"Wow... I never knew that..." I did have a suspicion of course, but actually hearing it... wow. Guys hardly ever liked me, yet here was a world-famous singer telling me he had liked me for a while now. But wait, he was dating Danielle before...

"And Dani was a great girlfriend, but I knew we weren't going to be anything special," Liam said, as if he was reading my mind. "I never felt that spark with her. But I feel it with you."

I beamed at him, not knowing what to say. This was great. Liam was a fantastic guy. I'm so lucky that someone as wonderful as him actually likes me.

"Mary?" He looked at me, probably wondering why I hadn't responded yet. I could see a touch of worry in his eyes.

"Yeah Liam?" I managed to squeak out a few words through my smiling mouth. I just couldn't stop smiling. I guess it was contagious, because Liam smiled too, dropping his eyes to the colorful carpet.

"I want to know... if... ummm..." Liam appeared nervous, so I smiled at him encouragingly. "I was just wondering if maybe you would ever think of possibly agreeing to be my girlfriend?" He shut his eyes and I almost laughed out loud. Liam made it sound like a chore I had to complete.

"Liam..." he opened his eyes and I grinned at him once again. "I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend!" It was a little sudden, yes... and I had no idea how we would make this work... but I now had a superstar boyfriend. Wow.



Hey everyone! Thank you so much for getting me to 1000 reads already! I know a lot of fanfics have way more reads than that, but this still means a lot to me. Also, I'm sorry my updates have been so short lately... I hurt my finger (it might be broken or sprained) so it's been hard to type... sorry!





Kiss You: a One Direction Fanfiction (Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now