Chapter two- Natsu!?

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Lucy's pov

I was leaving the store after buying groceries, when I noticed I needed gas. I pulled in to the nearest gas station, and went inside to pay. As I walked up to the counter, my eyes made their way to the candy aisle. 


I made my way over, and was about to pick something out when I noticed a pink haired boy stuffing his arms with bags of chips. He looked over at me, and smiled. 


'He still calls me that?'  I gave him a small wave, hoping he wouldn't walk over here. Of course, that's exactly what he did.

   "Hey Luce! I haven't heard from you in a while. How's it going?"

   "I'm okay I guess. And how have you been?"

My eyes not leaving the candy, I decided to be nice, and ask. It would have been rude of me not to, right?

   "I've been good."

   "That's good."

   "What candy are you going to get?"

   "I'm not sure yet."

One of his bags of chips fell out of his hand, and landed on the floor. He reached down to pick it up, and placed it on top of the other ones. 

   "Why do you have so many chips?"

   "Well...I don't really have anything else to eat at my house."

He rubbed the back of his head, and gave a nervous smile.

   "Why not?"

   "I kind of spent all of my money..."

I wasn't really sure what he was talking about, his dad was wealthy.  A thought came to mind, and I hesitated, but decided to go for it.

   "Natsu, put the chips back, and get in my car."


   "Just do it. I'll take you out for breakfast."

His face lit up, and he frantically put all his chips back and ran outside. A small smile spread on my face, I couldn't help it. He's always been like this. After paying for the gas, I walked outside, and into my car. Natsu was sitting in the passenger's seat, giving me his signature smile. 

   "Where do you want to go?"

   "How about...The little Cafe?"

I froze when I heard that name. That was where our parents used to take us to eat. We would even bring some of our other friends too. 

   "Hey, Luce? Luce!"

Natsu was waving his hand in my face. I shook my head and started driving. 

   "Sorry. Just lost in thought I guess."

He nodded, and the rest of the car ride was silent. I pulled into the drive way, and parked the car. Before I could even get my seat belt unbuckled, Natsu was already at the door. I walked in behind him, and found a booth for us to sit at. 

   "So, what do you want to eat?"

   "Pancakes! A whole plate of them! Oh, and a hot chocolate!"

I couldn't blame him. it was kind of rainy out, making the weather cold. After ordering, I sat back down with Natsu.

   "So. How come you never talk to us anymore?"

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