Chapter twenty seven-Merry Christmas, Lucy

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Natsu's pov

Lucy has been avoiding me still, and I want to know why. At night I can't sleep because I'm thinking about her, and during class I find myself looking at her. She hasn't looked good at all lately either. I mean, when you first look at her, you'd think she hasn't slept in a year. I was worried about her, but I couldn't even get her to look at me. 


The teacher's voice shook me from my thoughts, making me jump. 

   "And what were we day dreaming about?"


   "Well nothing is not as important than the lesson. Pay attention."

   "Yea, whatever."

I mumbled, so I was probably the only one who heard that. The bell eventually rang, and I ran out of the classroom, trying to find Lucy. All I want is to talk to her. People continued to step out in front of me, making me have to move from one side of the hallway, to another. Just as I ran past the gym, I seen a flash of blonde walk past me. The hallway was clearing up, making it easier for me to see. 


I seen her body tense up, and she continued to walk. 

   "Lucy! Please!"

   "Not now, Natsu."

   "Then when?"

   "I don't know!"

I grabbed her hand, and pulled her back to me. 

   "Fine. We don't have to talk right now. Meet me out in the courtyard at six."

Lucy's pov

Natsu let go of my hand, and I stood there, staring as he walked away. What makes him think I was even going to show up!? I mean...I am...but still! I grunted and walked to the classroom to eat. 


   "Juvia has somewhere she has to go! Juvia'll see you later!"

She ran out of the house, and again left me alone. I looked at the clock. It was only five. Letting out a sigh, I decided to make hot chocolate and sit on the porch. The steam warmed my face as I looked at the blanket of snow outside. As the snow fell, my eyes shifted when I seen a bush move. Out jumped a deer, who quietly walked through the grass. My body was still, and the deer inched closer and closer until it was right next to me. I slowly reached my hand out, and ran my fingers up and down its back. we sat like that for a while until she eventually laid down. 

   "You lonely too, huh?"

She moved her head to look at me, and I smiled. 

   "Why aren't you someplace warm?"

I traced my finger around the few spots she had on her back. 

   "I'll be right back."

Getting up from my seat, I ran inside real quick, and into the kitchen. Grabbing a handful of peanuts, I looked at the clock. I had been outside for a half hour already.  When I stepped outside, I seen her laying in the same spot. She looked up at me as I shut the door. 

   "I got you a snack."

Getting up onto her legs, she sniffed my hand, and I let out a giggle. Holding my hand out, I let her eat all of them. When she finished, a smile curled on my lips. 

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