Chapter eight- Video Games? Video Games.

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Lucy's pov

My eyes slowly opened while the sunlight hits my face. I went to turn my body, but felt a firm grasp on my waist. Moving the blankets, I found a snoring pink haired idiot, laying his head on my stomach, keeping his arms tightly wrapped around me. My face turned a few different shades of red. 


   "Come on, Luce. Five more minutes."

His voice was groggy,  and he snuggled in deeper, getting a tighter hold. 

   "Not today!" 

I grabbed his ear, and ripped him away from me. I jumped off my bed, and glared at the sleepy moron in front of me. 

   "Just what the hell do you think you're doing!"

   "Come on LLuce~ Wait, why are you in my room."

It took all I had not to scream at him. Through gritted teeth, I managed to keep my cool.

   "You're in my room."

He opened his eyes more, and looked around. 

   "Oh, I guess I am. Sorry 'bout that."

He started walking away like nothing ever happened. I decided to let it go, and laid back down on my bed. Opening my eyes, I see a chain with four charms attached to the end, laying on my bedside table. 


I ran out of my room, tackling him to the ground in a tight hug.

   "Thank you thank you thank you."

   "What are you talking about?"

   "The necklace, you idiot!"

   "Ohhh! Right. Your welcome."

   "I can only imagine what you went through to get that back!"

   "Heh, you have noo idea."

He rubbed the back of his head, giving me one of those closed eyed-grins of his. Realizing I was still on top of him, I quickly got off. 

   "So anyways, I was thinking we could go out and do something today?"

   "Like what?"

   "I don't know. Maybe go get something to eat? Or we could go to the movies?"

He thought a little longer, before his eyes lit up, and he smiled at me.

   "I got it. Luce, we're going to the arcade."

   "Arcade? Where did you get that idea? And I barely even play video games."

   "So? I'll teach you all my best tricks."

I thought for minute, then gave a small smile. 

   "I don't knooow."

   "Aww, come on, Luce! I really want you to go with me!"

Giving an even bigger smile, I held my hand out to help him stand up. After he took it, I let out a small laugh. 

  "Alright. Natsu Dragneel, I would love to go to the arcade with you."

   "Yes! Get ready, because we have to leave soon! Before all the good games get taken!"

I continued to smile while walking back into my room. 'This is kind of like a date' I mentally slapped myself. No! This is just two friends, going out to have a good time. Opening my closet, I looked at my options. I had a couple of clean sweatshirts left, but it might be warm outside. There were my T-shirts, but it might be cold out side. I continued looking until my eyes landed on a blue flannel. I pulled it out, and looked at for a minute. Ya know, it might not hurt to switch things up a bit. After putting my shirt and leggings on, I looked in the mirror and smiled. My shirt ended mid-arm, and the ends were tied together. My leggings were tucked into my boots, which were black. 

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