Chapter ten- Mysterious letters and blood

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Lucy's pov

Today is my last day in the hospital. I leave tomorrow morning, and I can literally feel my freedom coming back. It had been nice taking a break for a while, but I need to go back home. Lord knows what Natsu has done to it. He may have been here almost the entire time, but look who we're talking about here. It was almost five, which means it was almost time for food. Gajeel, Natsu, Mira, Erza, and Jellal sat in the chairs in front of my bed.

"So, Jellal."


"I hear you're taking our favorite red head to the dance?"

Erza's face instantly put her hair to shame, while I just got a chuckle from Jellal.

"Heh...Yea, I am."


Mira jumped from her feet, looking down at them.



"OH MY LORD, YEES! I uhh...I have to go do something."

She left without another word.

"I wonder what that was about?"

"You never know with Mira."

We all laughed, then Jellal focused on me again.

"So, Lucy. Long time, no see. How ya been?"

"Good, I guess. I have that idiot over there staying with me right now, and lets just say he's a handful sometimes."

Everyone laughed except Natsu. He sat there, pouting. Getting on my crutches, I walked over to him, and messed up his hair.

"Don't pout."

Giving him my best smile, he jumped from his seat.

"You shouldn't be walking around! Get back in bed!"

"Okay, Okay. Calm down, I was just stretching."

"So, what do you plan on doing when you get out of here?"

"Enjoying the freedom while it lasts."

Erza and I laughed, while I sat back down. There was a knock on the door, when a nurse walked in carrying a plate of food.

"Alright, Miss Heartfilia. I have your dinner, along with your medicine. Make sure you take it all."

I nodded, and she left. Digging into my food, everyone watched as I finished it all within three minutes.

"Bunny Girl's appetite is almost as bad as Pinky's over here."

"Shut up, metal head!"

They started fighting, and I almost felt bad. Only because Erza was getting up.

"Knock it off, you two! Start acting your age!"

After leaving a bump on both their heads, she sat back down.

"Oh, that's right. I have to go pick up Gray! I was supposed to be there an hour ago!"

Natsu ran for the door, only to be stopped by Gajeel.

"Hold on, I'm coming too. I'm tired of hospital food, so lets stop and get some."

They both left, leaving me with Erza and Jellal.

"Actually, I need to start heading home too. I have a council meeting tomorrow, plus homework I still need to work on."

"Oh, hold on. Let me grab my keys."

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