Chapter thirty-Surprise

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Lucy's pov

Natsu placed me in the car, shut the door, and ran to the drivers side. The entire way home I explained everything to him, and he seemed to take it okay.

   "So you're saying you think Lisanna did it?"

Not wanting to pin the blame on anyone, I quickly corrected him. 

   "I think she had something to do with it, but I'm not sure if it was her exactly who did it."

   "I see. Luce, you know you don't have to protect me. Its my job to protect you."

He gave me a big grin, and my cheeks started turning crimson. 

   "Just keep your eyes on the road, lover boy."

My voice was soft, and my eyes changed direction so I was looking out the window. I could hear him let out a small chuckle but ignored it. We both got out of the car, and I stopped him. 

   "Natsu, I have an idea. I want to surprise Erza, so wait in the car for five minutes before walking in, okay?"


He gave me one more smile before hopping back in the car, and playing on his phone. I slowly opened the door, and seen everyone except for Gajeel, Lisanna, and Elfman her. Erza looked up at me with hopeful eyes, but I shook my head. 

   "I...was to late. As soon as I seen him, he was already boarding the plane."

Looking down at my feet, I heard someone walk up to me. It was Juvia. 

   "Juvia is sorry that Natsu is gone. We all miss him."

   "I hate admitting it, but I'm gonna miss that air head."

   "Me too. It was always fun having drinking contests with him."

   "He always bought me strawberry cake."

   "Natsu would always make me laugh."

   "He was definitely an idiot, but I guess I'll miss him."

   "I'll miss Natsu too."

   "I always liked making fun of him whenever he was with other girls."

Suddenly everyone except Laxus and Gray burst into tears. A few seconds later, the door swung open behind me, and in walked Natsu.

   "Geez guys. Didn't know you cared so much."

He gave his signature grin, and everyone yelled his name while rushing over. 

   "I thought you were gone already!?"

   "Lucy said she didn't make it."

   "You were supposed to be flying through the air right now!"

Natsu and I eyed each other, and let out a smile laugh. 

   "I lied."

   "YOU WHAT!?"

Everyone's eyes were on me, and I sweat dropped. 

   "I thought it would be a surprise."

They all sighed, and walked back into the living room. The first one to approach me again was Mira. 

   "So is everything okay between you two again?"

   "Yea. We talked it out, but there is something I should probably tell you."

Pulling her into the kitchen, I explained everything about Lisanna, and her mouth dropped open. Giving me a sweet smile, she started to leave.

   "If you'll excuse me, I just remembered I had somewhere to be."

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