Chapter twelve- Cheesy

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Lucy's pov

The dance is tonight, and to be completely honest, I was finding it hard to breath. What if Natsu doesn't like my dress? What if I screw something up? What if I embarrass him? Wait, why am I even this worried? I was sitting in fifth hour, when the speaker went off. 

   "School will be dismissed one hour early due to the set up of the dance. That will be all, thank you."

The bell went off, and all the girls rushed through the door. It was easier for me to get around now, because I didn't have the crutches, but I still felt a pain in my leg every once in a while. Making my way down to my locker, I was greeted by Mira.

   "Hey, Lucy!"


   "So, we all have a question."

   "Okay, what is it?"

    "We were wondering if we could all get ready at your house?"

   "Sure, but-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence, because she ran off. Erza drove Natsu and I home, and eventually Mira and Juvia showed up. 

   "Wait, where's Lisanna?"

   "Oh, you didn't know? I guess the boy she wanted to go with already asked someone else. Plus she wasn't feeling very good tonight."

I nodded. I wonder who she wanted to go with? I shook the thought away and started getting ready. I was done in about five minutes, mostly because I didn't bother with make up. Everyone else took about an hour. Finally ready, Jellal, Gray, and Lauxas showed up. We rented a limo, and everyone climbed in. When we arrived at the school, there were people everywhere. They even had a red carpet leading inside. Overboard much? 

   "So umm...Luce."


   "You look really pretty tonight."


We both looked away from each other, our faces a slight pink. When we got inside, Lauxas, Mira, Gray, and Juvia left us. It was just Jellal, Natsu, Erza, and me left. 

   "Hey guys!"

Cana came walking up in a all black dress, a cup in her hand. Her face was a slight pink, and my guess was she drank before she got here, or managed to get some drinks here. 

   "Wow, Lucy! You look gggreeeaat. Natsu, kiss the poor girl! She's waiting!"

   "Wha-what!? No I'm not!"

She placed her arm on my shoulder, the alcohol on her breath reaching my face.

   "Come on! Don't lie!"

A new song started playing, and her face lit up. 

   "Woo! I love this song!"

She left, cup still in hand, and disappeared into the crowd. 

   "Always something with Cana."


My face was still red, and I was trying hard not to let Natsu see. 

   "Wait, where's Gajeel?"

   "Oh, he said he couldn't make it tonight either. I'm not sure why though."


A slow song started playing, and Jellal took Erza to dance. I watched as all the couples swayed back and forth, in sync with each other, and the music. 

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