Chapter thirteen- Cars, cake, and cats

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Lucy's pov

Its been a two days since the dance, and things have gotten kind of awkward. Natsu and I have barely spoken since that night, and whenever we're in the same room, neither of us really know what to do. Our longest conversation was five sentences. We're suppose to go look for my new car today with Erza and Cana around...oh. A few minutes. 

   "Lucy! Natsu!"

   "You guys are a little early."

   "Well I ended up getting Cana quicker than I thought. Go get Natsu so we can go."


I walked down the hall and knocked on his door, but nobody answered. 

   "Natsu! Come on, we have to go!"

Still nothing. I opened his door, and looked inside, and found Natsu sleeping, about to fall out bed. 


After walking up, I leaned down to wake him up, and his eyes shot open. We both screamed, and he fell out of bed, landing on top of me. 

   "H-hey, Luce."

   "Well umm...Erza and Cana are here, so we need to go."

   "Whats the rush?"

I looked up, and seen Erza and Cana at the doorway, taking pictures. My face turned a bright red, and I did what any normal person would do. I think. 

   "Lucy kick!"

My foot and his gut connected, sending him flying off of me. 

   "W-what was that for."

Natsu laid on the floor, holding his stomach, looking like he could die any minute.

   "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"

He started getting up, grabbed his jacket, and walked out. We all followed him out the door and into the car. Natsu and Erza sat in the front, while I sat with Cana in the back. It was quiet for a while until Cana broke the silence. 

   "How much longggeer."

   "We will be there in a few minutes. Be patient."

She groaned and pulled a bottle out of her bag. Chugging the entire thing down in only a minute, she raised her fist in the air. 

   "Ahhh! That was great! I need another!"

   "Cana, you really shouldn't be drinking right now. Erza could get in trouble."

   "Its fine Lucy. We all know you can't separate Cana and alcohol."

   "Yea, I guess that's true."

Cana started rolling her window down, and stuck her head out. 


   "That looks like fun!"

Natsu followed her actions, and were both yelling. 

   "Both of you! Get back in the car!"

Erza ripped Natsu inside, while I pulled Cana back. 

   "That is enough! Now calm down, the car shop is up ahead."

We pulled in, and all got out of the car. There were so many cars here, I don't know which one I want. 

   "Yo, Lucy! Over here!"

I found Cana standing in front of a dark blue sports car. 

  "Cana, I don't think I have the money to buy a car like this."

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