Chapter twenty three- I love you

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Lucy's pov

We're going home today, and I have to say I actually had a lot of fun.  Erza and Gajeel still had a headache from the party they went to, but everyone else seemed to be fine again. It kind of sucks though, because after tomorrow, we have school again. I roll my eyes just thinking about it. 

   "Okay, does everyone have all their stuff?"

We all nod our heads in agreement. 

   "Good. Okay, lets go then."

Everyone followed Erza out to the cars. Natsu and I got into my car, Laxus and Mira got into their car, and everyone else got into Erza's van. 

   "Are you sure you got everything?"



I started driving, and I was actually kind of nervous to go home. I mean last time, my entire room was destroyed. 


I pushed the thought away, and smiled. 


   "You just seemed worried about something."

   "Nope! I'm fine!"

   "Okay, good."

He continued looking at me for a minute, but then faced the window. After another ten minutes, I pulled into our parking lot, and got out. Its actually kind of empty. When I went to get my bag, I seen Natsu already carrying it to the house. 

   "Hey! I could've got that."

   "Well I got it first. Now unlock the door so I can put this stuff down."

I stuck my tongue out at him, and opened the door. He dropped the stuff on the ground, then fell face first onto the couch. 

   "Already tired?"

   "I could go to sleep right here."

I laughed, and walked to my room. After opening the door, I found everything exactly how I left it.

   "Woah, why is your room all messed up?"

I jumped at the sound of Natsu's voice.

   "Oh, I was just looking for something and never got the chance to pick everything up."

He shrugged his shoulders, then turned to walk into his room. Letting out a sigh, I started picking everything up and putting it away. As I cleaned, I thought about who would do this. Was it the person who was sending me those letters? And if it was, how did they even get in here? Soon everything was put away, and I decided to make dinner. When I walked out into the kitchen, I looked at the calendar. 'December 3' That's right. Today's the day of the fire. I felt a tear drip down my face as I continued looking at the date. Tomorrow's my birthday, too. Ever since that day, I've never celebrated my birthday. I've always seen it as just another day. 



I wiped the tear away, and turned around. 

   "I was just about to make dinner! Is their anything special you'd like?"

   "No, whatever is fine."

I smiled at him, but his facial expression didn't change. 

   "Okay, how about I just make something simple. Like grilled cheese."

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