Chapter seventeen- Mira's visit

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Lucy's pov

Its Monday morning, and I really don't feel like getting up out of bed, especially not after Friday. I can't get people to leave me alone!

   "Ugh...Natsu. Get up."

   "Do I Have to?"

   "Yes. If I have to, you have to."


He slowly got out of bed, and I walked back into my room. After getting completely ready, I checked on Natsu. He was sitting on his bed, playing a game on his phone. 

   "Hey, Luce."

   "Hey. We still have fifteen minutes before we have to leave."

   "Oh. Come sit by me."

Without taking his eyes off his phone, he moved over on his bed. I sat down next to him, and started watching him play. He died, and threw his phone at then end of his bed. 

   "Danget. I almost beat my high score, too."

   "Its just a game."

   "It is no just a game!"

I laughed at him as he pouted. 


When I wasn't looking, he grabbed my hand, and intertwined our fingers. 

   "N-Natsu, what are you doing?"

   "Holding your hand."

   "Well I see that."

   "Aww, Luce. You're blushing."

   "I-I am not!"

   "Well if you blush when I hold your hand, I wonder what you would do if I kissed you."


When I turned my head, he connected his lips with mine. I was shocked at first, but then melted into the kiss. We parted for air, and both of us smiled, my face a slight red. Our lips connected again, and I honestly loved this feeling. To know his lips were mine, and only mine. 

   "Natsu, we have to go."

   "Do we have to? I could stay like this all day."

   "Me too, but we really have to go. Come on."

I grabbed his arm, and pulled him out of bed. After the short drive to school, we walked in, and were once again surrounded by people. Once I got through, I headed to my locker. I put in my combination, and opened the locker. But as soon as I did, a dark envelope fell out. 


I slowly opened it, almost not even wanting to read it.

   'You've been warned before, yet you don't know how to listen. You will regret this. Watch your back, Lucy Heartfilia.'

   "Luce! Come on, I'll walk you to class."

I quickly shoved the letter in my locker, and shut it. 

   "Hey, are you okay?"

   "Yea! I'm fine!"

   "Are you sure?"

   "Yep! Come on, we have to sit down."

I dragged him to his seat, and sat down next to him. I was trying my hardest not focus on the letter, but I couldn't help it. I had so many 'what ifs' coming to mind. What if they do something to Natsu? What if they hurt Natsu? What if they go after my friends? What if I have to stop seeing my friends or Natsu. 

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