Chapter five- Necklace?

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Lucy's pov

I sat down in third hour, putting my books on my desk. I'm not sure why, but ever since second hour today, I've felt weird. Like maybe someone was watching me? No. Maybe I forgot something? No, that's not it either. Maybe I lost something? I started thinking. What could I have lost? I have my keys, phone, necklace- MY NECKLACE.

   "Ohhhh this is bad. This is very very very bad."

I frantically started looking around me, in my pockets, and even my bag. It wasn't in any of those places. I started thinking about what I did this morning. Went to first hour, sat by Natsu, left for second hour, was yelled at in the hallway by some girls, went to second hour, and went to third hour. Where could it have gone. I shut my eyes, and started rubbing my temples when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

   "You okay, Luce?"

I started sweating nervously when I seen him. 

   "Oh yea, I'm great! Couldn't be better, actually. So...uhh...the weathers nice today, huh?"

He was giving me a weird look when the teacher walked in. 

   "Alright class. Today we are just going to have a free day due to the fact I don't feel like teaching."

She sat down, looking tired and stressed, but I shrugged it off. I had to use this time to my advantage. I an up to her, asked to go to the bathroom, then bolted out of the room. I walked down both hallways I've used today, but nothing.

   "Maybe someone turned it in?"

I ran down to the office, and asked.

   "No, I'm sorry. No necklaces have been brought to us today."

I walked out, and slowly started walking down the hall.

   "Okay. Okay. Okay Lucy, don't panic. I'm sure I just left it at home? Or maybe I just didn't search my bag good enough? Yea, that has to be it."

I walked back to the classroom, and searched my bag, but nothing came up. I took a deep breath, and tried calming down. 

   "Lucy, are you sure you're okay?"

   "Yep. I'm actually better than okay! I'm so okay, I should get a medal for being the most okay person in the world!"

I gave a awkward laugh, hoping he would go away. 

   "I uhh...I'll be right back."

I ran back out of the classroom, looking for somewhere to check. 

   "My locker!"

I ran down the hall, and put my combination in. I opened the door, but no luck. Right before I closed the locker door, I noticed a flash of white. A slip of paper was caught in the openings, and I quickly grabbed it. Slowly opening it, I instantly felt my entire body fill with rage and sadness at the same time.

'You know the pretty little necklace you're always wearing? It would be a real shame if it was turned in for money. Meet at the back of the school, 8pm tonight. Don't bring anyone. '

It took everything I had not to punch the locker next to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see none other than Natsu Dragneel.

   "Luce, something's happening. Tell me."

I let out another laugh, while ripping the paper up behind my back.

   "You wanna know what's wrong? Its just I forgot to study for a test coming up. That's all. No need to worry here, I'll be just fine."

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