Chapter eleven- I buy a dress

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Lucy's pov

Its been almost a full two weeks since they've let me leave the hospital. And Erza has stuck by what she's said, I was not left alone for a moment. There would even be times I would wake up to someone sleeping in my bed. Its been like this at school too. A few girls kicked my crutches a few imes, but Erza and Mira handled that. Not only was I walked to every class, but I had to sit with them every day too. I would get a few questioning looks sometimes, but that wasn't very surprising. One of the biggest outcasts in the school, suddenly hanging out with all the popular kids? I have to say though, its been nice being with everyone again. I'm starting to get used to always having someone around. I do still like being alone, but I can't complain. They have all been helping me, including Lisanna. I still can't figure out what exactly happened that day, but I guess it doesn't really matter now. We all sat down for lunch, and not two seconds later, Mira squealed. 

   "What's up with you?"

   "Have you guys forgotten? The Formal dance is in a week!"

   "Oh yea! Lucy have you picked your dress out yet?"

Looking away from everyone, I quietly shook my head. 

   "Alright, then its settled. You are coming dress shopping with us."

   "Am I even going to get a say in this?"

   "Nope! And your leg will be good enough for you to walk on your own again by the time of the dance! I can't wait to get pictures of you and Natsu!"

I spit my water out, it landing all over Natsu's face.

   "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!"

He just laughed and waved his hand. 

   "Don't worry about it."

He wiped his face clean, and continued eating, but I still felt bad. 

   "I've also heard that the night of the dance will be the first snowfall of the year."

   "Really!? I can't wait to tell Lauxas!"

Erza and Mira were having their own little conversation, but I couldn't help listen in.

   "Why would you tell him?"

   "Oh, did I not tell you guys? He asked me to go with him. I told him yes."

She casually started eating her apple, Erza's eyes about to pop out of her skull. 

   "That's great, Mira!"

   "I guess it is, isn't it?"

She giggled before talking again. 

   "Oh, and I already know exactly what color dress is going to have."

   "Alright. What colors?"

   "Well, you'll have a maroon colored one, to bring out your hair. Juvia will get a dark blue one, AND IT MUST REACH HER ANKLES. It just suits her, ya know? I myself will have a white dress, also reaching my ankles. Lucy's will be black and pink, to go with Natsu's hair. It will reach her knees"

   "Wait, what? What if I don't want those colors?"

   "Lucy, this is Mira we're speaking with. I wouldn't even try and change her mind. We both know it won't work."

I groaned and laid my head on the table. 

   "So when are we going?"

   "Hmm...tomorrows Saturday, so lets do it then."

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