Chapter fourteen-Popular?

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Lucy's pov

"Natsu! Get up! We have to go to school!"

"I don't wanna."

"I don't care! Get up!"

"But I'm so tired."

"That's it!"

I grabbed the blankets, and ripped them off the bed. His foot was tangled with them, making him fall on the ground.

"Ow! Luce, that hurt!"

"Then maybe you should have gotten up!"

"I'm sorry!"

"You have five minutes. Get ready."

I left him laying on the floor. He really gets on my nerves sometimes. Checking in the mirror, I looked at my new outfit. I decided not to wear baggy clothes today. I actually kind of like this look. I had on a t-shirt with a scarf, my leggings tucked into my boots, and my bangs pulled back into a smaller ponytail on the side of my head. I didn't even know I had this stuff.

"Hey, Lucy! I'm ready."

Natsu stopped at my doorway and stared at me.


"Nothing. You just look pretty."

My face get red, and I walked past him.

"Just get in the car."

It was silent on the ride to school. Natsu was about to say something as I pulled into the parking lot, but was interrupted by people running up to us.

"So, Lucy! Are you and Natsu dating?"

"Oh my gosh! What was that kiss like?"

"Are you dressing different now for Natsu?"

"Natsu! You look amazing today!"

My face got red, and I ignored all their questions. Walking past them, I started walking towards the school. The entire time people were looking at me, and I even had people ask me questions again. What is with them?


"Oh, hi Juvia."

I smiled at her, but she looked like she was in a rush.

"Juvia has something to show you!"

"What is it?"

She held up the school newspaper, showing a picture of Natsu and I at the dance. The headline said 'Hottest New Couple?' I ripped the paper out of Juvia's hands, and started reading.

'On Friday night, Natsu walked into the dance with a outcast named Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia. As Natsu asked her to dance, she gladly accepted. Just when things were getting serious, she ran off after apologizing to Natsu. He followed her outside, and they shared a long, meaningful kiss. That same night, they were both given a ride home by none other than Erza Scarlet. Questions are being asked everywhere, and by everyone. Are they the newest couple? Who is she? How do they know each other? Will things be taken further? Every girl in the school wanted Natsu, but is he taken now? Hopefully these questions will be answered soon.'

I didn't know what to say. Does everyone in the school think we're dating now?

"Hey Luce! Whatchya reading?"

Natsu grabbed the paper out of my hand, and started reading it. By the time he was done, he just laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

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