Chapter twenty- Mom and Dad

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Lucy's pov

   "Hey guys!"

Erza ran down the stairs with a large smile plastered on her face. Today was our third day being at Natsu's, and we were having a lot of fun. 


   "I have some really good news!"

   "Which is?"

   "I got us all free tickets to a water park!"

   "How did you do that?"

   "I talked to some people I know, who also happen to own the water park, and they said we could all stay two nights there for free. They still owe me from a favor."

   "That sounds great, but umm...Its freezing outside."

   "Moron! Its an indoor water park!"

She hit Jellal's head with a paper she rolled up. He rubbed his head, and leaned his back against the wall. 

   "I think we should all go tonight."

   "How far away is it?"

   "About a half hour."

   "And everything is free?"


   "Well I don't see why we can't then. Everyone would have to stop by their houses and get their stuff, but we could leave right after."

   "Yay! We're going to a water park! We're going to a water park!"

Natsu, Wendy, and Romeo linked arms, and jumped in excitement. I just laughed. This proves Natsu acts like a child. 

   "Well lets go then. We can all meet up back here."


Everyone walked to their cars, and started driving off. When I finally got on the road, Natsu looked at me and smiled. 

   "Are you going to go swimming, too?"

   "I might."

   "What!? We're going to a water park, and you 'might' swim!?"

   "Well I'm not much of a swimmer, but I guess I will."


The rest of the car ride was silent, and I pulled into our driveway. We both ran out of the car, and to the door. 

   "I win!"

After sticking my tongue out at him, I unlocked the door, and walked inside. 

   "Okay, lets go get our stuff. And make sure you pack everything you'll need!"

   "I know!"

I walked down the hallway, and opened my door. I dropped my keys when I seen my room. It was trashed. Papers, clothes, books, and all my other stuff was just thrown everywhere. 


When I looked at my bed, I seen an old newspaper article. I looked at it, and I could feel tears coming to my eyes. It was the article about the fire. When I looked closer, I noticed a small part had been ripped off of the paper. The spot where the date of the accident should have been. 

   "Hey, Luce!"


I wiped my tears away, and walked to Natsu's room. 

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