Chapter twenty eight-Fires and Goodbyes

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I really need to stop doing this. I get good ideas in my head for the story, and then next thing you know, I'm writing another flippin chapter *sigh*


Natsu's pov

Tonight was the night we planned on showing Luce her apartment. I was planning on going, but then after that night, I decided against it. She didn't want to talk to me anymore, so why would I go? I still don't understand why should we say that though. Luce always seemed happy, so why? To stop thinking about her, I turned the TV on, but it didn't help. The fireplace crackled, causing one of the logs to move. Even though I had the fire going, it was still pretty cold here. I miss staying with Lucy. We had fun, and I didn't have to worry about heat or food. 

   "God dammit!"

Just thinking about it makes me upset. I shut the TV off, and got in the car. I couldn't stand just sitting here anymore. I drove to Lucy's, and walked through the door. Putting on my best smile, I waved at everyone. 

   "Hey guys. Sorry I'm late."


Lisanna ran up and hugged me, which I returned. When I seen Lucy, she was watching as Lisanna hugged me. 

   "Umm...Excuse me."

She got up, and walked into her room. 

   "Natsu, Cana brought drinks for everyone. Come join us."

Lisanna pulled me into the living room, and sat down next to me. 

   "Drink up!"

Cana tossed a bottle to me, and I easily caught it. I really want to see Lucy right now, but I stayed in my spot. The night dragged on, all of us having fun. Lucy still hadn't come back yet. 

   "Hey wait, where did Lucy go?"

   "I'm not sure."

I thought I seen Lisanna move closer to me, but I guess it was my imagination. When I looked at her, her face was red, and she didn't look like herself. 

   "Hey Natsu *hic*"

   "Lisanna? How many of those have you had?"

   "I dunnoo."

I looked beside her and seen a pile of empty bottles. Everyone was still chatting and having fun. 

   "No more. You already look like your drunk."

   "Maybe I am~"

   "No more!"


Before I knew it, I felt her lips press against mine. At the same time, I heard Lucy's voice. 

   "Hey guys-"

I pulled away from Lisanna, and everyone was staring, especially Lucy. 

   "I have to go."

She ran out of the apartment and shut the door. Mira got up, and grabbed her sister by the ear. 

   "Lisanna! I've told you before, Natsu and Lucy belong together!"

   "*hic* I don't know what you're talking about~"

Getting up, I ran out of the apartment, and looked for Lucy. 

   "Lucy! LUCY!"

I didn't get an answer, so I ran to the sidewalk. After looking to my left, I seen her running along the road. 

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