Chapter twenty one- Where is everyone?

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Natsu's pov

I felt something soft against my lips. I felt weak, and it was hard to breath. Someone started pushing on my chest, and the warm substance met my lips again. When I opened my eyes, I seen Lucy. She looked upset, I could even see tears forming in her eyes. She looked at me for a moment, then started smiling.


I started sitting up with the help of Luce, and seen Wendy, along with a group of people surrounding me.


That's right, I forgot we're pretending to be her parents right now. She tackled me into a hug, causing us both to fall back down.

"Are you two this girl's parents?"

Lucy started shaking her hands, but I stopped her before she could say anything.

"Yup! This is Wendy, our daughter!"

I felt the grip around my stomach tighten, and Luce stared at me.

"I see. Well she was worried. I saw tears formin' in her eyes, I did."

"Well we'll have to make sure to make up for that."

I gave him a smile, and he smiled back. The crowd started clearing, and Romeo, Gray, and Mira ran up to us.

"Are you guys alright!?"

"What happened!?"

"We're fine. I almost drowned, that's all."

Their eyes popped out of their heads, and their jaws dropped. I really don't see the big deal here.

"You almost drowned!?"

"What did you do this time, Flame Brain?"

"How can you say that like its not even a big deal?"

"Well I'm still here, right? Now excuse me, but Luce and I have to take our daughter to geta snack. It'll make her feel better."

I smiled at them, and grabbed Luce's hand to help her stand up.

"You don't have a daughter."

"Yes I do!"

I pulled Wendy in front of me, and pointed at her.

"Wendy isn't your daughter, Natsu."

"Yes she is!"

"Oh, well I was going to ask Wendy to ride the slide with me, but I guess she's busy."

Romeo smiled, and rubbed the back of his head. I can't explain it, but I started feeling.. protective over Wendy.

"Well she's coming with us!"

I grabbed Wendy's and Lucy's hand, and started walking to the food stand. When we sat down at the table, Luce looked at me.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh to Romeo?"

"No! Wendy isn't old enough to be alone with boys!"

"Y-Yes I am!"

"No you're not, now eat your ice cream before it melts!"

She rolled her eyes and started eating. Who does she think she is?

"Natsu, I don't think you have to take the being a dad thing so seriously."

"I'm not! I'm just protecting her, that's all."

I continued eating my food, and Luce did too. Was I taking this to seriously? Maybe I should relax a little.

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