Chapter eighteen- Thanksgiving

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Lucy's pov

We were all sitting at the lunch table, laughing and having a good time. I was still worried about the letter, but I'm also trying to have fun.

   "So Thanksgiving is coming up."

   "Oh yea. I forgot about that."

   "We should all have dinner together."

   "Yea, but where will we have it at?"

   "We could have it at my place. My dad is sill gone, so nobody's there."

Natsu took a bite out of his sandwich, and smiled.

   "Seems good to me."

   "I'll make a list for who needs to bring what."

   "Do we really need a list, Erza?"

   "Of course we do!"

   "Okay, okay. Calm down."

We all started eating again, when I noticed Gajeel looked kind of sad. I walked over, grabbed his arm, and pulled him over to the corner. 

   "What are you doing, Bunny Girl?"

   "Why are you so sad?"

   "I'm not sad."

   "Whatever. You haven't been around as much lately, and you don't talk as much. What's wrong?"


   "Don't lie to me."

I sent him a glare, that made him sigh.

   "I just miss somebody. That's all."


   "Why does it matter to you?"

   "Because! Now tell me!"

   "Fine, calm down. I miss...Levy."

I kind of froze when he said that. It was around this time of year that her, along with my family, died.

   "I miss her too."

We were both silent for a minute, when I hugged him. 

   "What are you doing?"

   "Would you stop wit the enormous ego of yours? I know you're really sad right now, trust me I am too."

It took a minute, but he slowly hugged me back. When I pulled away, I gave him a week smile.

   "Cheer up. You know Levy wouldn't want you to be sad right now."

We both walked back to the table and sat down. Everyone looked at us, especially Natsu. 

   "What was that about?"

   "Nothing. Just helping out a friend."

I smiled, then started eating again. I really missed her. She was always so perky, and never failed when it came to giving me good books to read. 

   "Hey, Luce. Lunch is over."

   "Oh, coming."

I got up, threw my trash away, then walked down the hall with Natsu. Mira and Lisanna have been close by all day, which is nice. I know I have someone else there to help.The day eventually passed, and we decided they would stay the night again. For the rest of the night, we all laughed, talking about things we used to do together. 

   "Remember when we first built the hideout?"


   "I still don't remember why we called it that."

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