Chapter thirty three- Dinner

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Lucy's pov

   "Now that the wedding dress is picked out, we need to find bridesmaid dresses."

   "Follow me please."

We followed Libra into a room filled with dresses of different colors.

   "Which color would you like to look at?"

Maybe red? Or should we do purple? I scanned all the colors, until my eyes landed on blue. 


She walked over, and started pulling dresses off of the hanger. 

    "What do you think of this one?"

She held up a light blue dress that had lace from the waist up. 

   "It looks nice."

She pulled more off the rack, and handed them to everyone, trying to find the right sizes for them. 

   "The dressing rooms are that way. Once you're done, come back into this room."


Everyone left, and Libra turned back around to face me. 

   "We need to pick out a veil."

   "Oh, right."

We walked over to a wall that had different veils on it. 

   "Pick one that you like."

After looking for a few minutes, I found one that I liked. She grabbed it off the hook, and placed it next to the wedding dress on the counter. Just then, all the girls walked back out wearing their dresses. 

   "You guys look amazing!"

   "I really like the dress."

   "Juvia thinks it matches her hair."

   "So these are the dresses you'd like?"

   "Yes please."

Everyone changed back out of them, and handed them to Libra, who set them down on the counter. After we got everything paid for, she placed all the dresses into a bag they wouldn't get wrinkled in. 

   "Have a nice day."

   "You too!"

We left the shop, and headed back to my house. 

   "Thanks for taking me out today."

   "No problem. We had fun."

   "Me too. I'll see you guys later."

   "Bye, Lucy!"

They drove off, and I walked inside the house, making sure the bag wasn't dragging on the ground. 

   "Hey, Luce!"

   "Hi Natsu."

   "Can I see the dress?"


   "Why not?"

   "You're not suppose to. Its considered bad luck."

   "Okay, fine."

He started pouting, and I couldn't help but laugh. 

   "I thought Gray and Gajeel were coming over."

   "They did."

He followed me into my room as I placed the dress in the closet. 

   "Can we go out for dinner tonight?"

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