Chapter sixteen- Is it true?

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Natsu's pov

Lucy was driving us home, and I couldn't help but look at her. She still had her hair from the way she wore it at our "wedding", and she looked beautiful.

"What are you looking at?"


It was snowing outside, making it pretty cold out. Whenever I see the snow falling, I think of the night of the dance. Lucy had little white snowflakes in her hair, and all over her dress.

"Natsu. We're here, so hurry up and get inside, or you'll catch a cold."

"Oh, I'm coming!"

I held the door open for her, and she smiled as we walked inside.

"Hey, Luce. Do you know if we are working tomorrow in the morning again?"

"I'm not sure, why?"

"Just wondering, I guess."

"Okay? Listen, I'm really tired after today, so I'm going to go lay down. Night."


She walked away, and left me standing by myself. I was about to find something to eat, when my phone went off.



"Oh, hey Mira. What's up?"

"I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Has Lucy said anything to you about a letter?"

"No? Why?"

"Its nothing I guess. I have to go, bye!"


Okay? That was weird. I looked at the clock. It was almost eight already.

"I'm tired..."

I started walking towards my room, when I stopped in front of Lucy's door. I could hear the sounds of her snoring. Without thinking, I opened her door, and looked inside. Lucy was sleeping in a long t-shirt, her hair was laid back behind her, and she hugged the pillow next to her. I was about to close her door, but I heard her say something.


At first I thought she seen me, but it turned out she was talking in her sleep.

"She's dreaming of me...?"

A small blush spread on my face, and I quietly walked up to her. She looked so cute in her sleep, I couldn't help but climb into bed next to her. When I laid down, she moved closer, laying one arm on my side. My blush got darker, but I eventually got comfortable and fell asleep.

Lucy's pov

I woke in the middle of the night, my room to dark to see anything. I was about to go back to sleep when I heard...breathing!? I froze in my spot, and realized the sound was coming from right next to me. I placed my hand on whatever was next to me, and felt soft locks of hair. I then realized what it was. Natsu was next to me. I placed my hand on his side to wake him up, but then I realized how warm he was. My room was freezing, but Natsu was so warm. Instead, I snuggled up closer to him, and closed my eyes. I felt him shift his position, and lay his arm over me, wrapping it around my waist, holding me close. My face started heating up, and I held my breath for a minute. 'Calm down, Lucy.' After calming down, I fell back asleep, next to Natsu.

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