Chapter thirty five- I do

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Lucy's pov

Everyone is rushing around, getting ready for today. When Igneel said he invited the whole family, he invited the whole family. Not to mention everyone from our school is attending, and even some people from town. Most of them are just people who were friends with my parents before they died. 

   "Lucy! Come on, you have to get ready!"

   "I'm coming!"

Mira pulled me into a room, and Erza was holding my dress, and Mira held makeup. 

   "Now go!"

I was shoved to Erza, who started undressing me. 

   "H-Hey! I can do it myself!"

It was to late. She already had my shirt off, and was pointing at my pants. Letting out a sigh, I took them off, and let her help me into the dress. 

   "There. Now we just have to do your hair and makeup."

Juvia walked over, and ordered me to close my eyes. When I did, I could feel something being dragged across my eyelid. 

   "There. Now pretend your going to kiss Natsu."

   "What!? Why!?"

   "So Juvia can put your lip stick on!"

I puckered my lips, and she dragged the tube across. When I looked in the mirror, I had white eyeliner, and my lips were a dark red. 

   "Now we just have to do your hair."

I turned around, and seen Wendy. 

   "You're doing  it?"

   "Yea. Mira told me I had to."

She gave me a smile as I sat in the chair. Everyone once in a while I would feel a tug, but it actually felt good. 

   "All done!"

I looked in the mirror again, and seen half of my hair in a up-do, and it was completed with waves falling over my shoulders. 

   "And now all we need is this."

Wendy placed the veil on top of my head, and gave me another smile. Juvia, Cana, Erza, Wendy, and Mira stood in front of me, smiles on their faces. 

   "You look beautiful."

   "So pretty!"

   "I hope I look this good when I get married."

   "Thanks guys."

There was a knock on the door, and Juvia walked over to open it. Lisanna walked in, and smiled. 

   "You look amazing, Lucy."

   "Thank you."

   "Lisanna, why aren't you in a bridesmaid dress? I know I got one for you."

   "Oh, I decided not to wear it. Lucy, I don't deserve to be a bridesmaid. Not after what I did. I'm lucky to even be called a friend."

Everyone else walked out of the room, and shut the door. 

   "I want you to though."

   "And I appreciate it, but it wouldn't feel right standing up there with all of you."

   "Are you sure?"

   "I'm positive."

She walked over, gave me a hug, and smiled. 

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