Chapter three- Old friends and Smoke

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Lucy's pov

   "We could go to the mall."

I paused and looked at him for a minute. I didn't really feel like going out, but I decided to say yes anyways. As we got there, I realized how many people were here. Just the thought gave me a major headache. Natsu and I walked in, and we got a few stares. I made out some of the whispers people were making, which only made me frustrated. 

   "Is that Natsu Dragneel?"

   "What is he doing here? And why is he with her?"

   "Is that his girlfriend? He could do so much better!"

I was starting to get angry when I felt someone grab my arm. 

   "Come on Luce!" 

He started pulling me to who knows where. While he did I started thinking. This is why I didn't want to come out. Natsu is the most popular guy at school. And so are all my old friends. Yet, here is a girl in in baggy sweatshirt, hair in a messy ponytail, walking around with him. There are so many girls who would kill to be me right now. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I hear someone yell my name. I seen a flash of blue, right before I was tackled to the ground. I opened my eyes, and seen none other than Wendy Marvel on top of me.


   "Lucy! I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been? How come you don't talk to us anymore? I missed you so much!"

I was squeezed into another hug that probably could have broke my bones if I wasn't careful. I felt someone pull her off of me. I opened my eyes and seen a tall, red haired girl standing in front of me. 


   "Hi, Lucy. It's nice to see you again."

She held her hand out to me, and I slowly took it. After I was on my feet, I looked in front of me. All of my old friends were here. Wendy, Erza, Gajeel, Gray, Juvia, Mira, Cana, Elfman, Lissana, and even Lauxas. 

   "It's good to see you too. But, how did you all know to come here?"

   "Flame Brain told us."

Gray was in front of me now, pointing at Natsu. I sent him a glare, but he started whistling and shrugging his shoulders. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed him by the ear. 

   "I never said you could do that!"

   "I'm sorry Luce!"

I let go of his ear, and walked over to everyone else.

    "It's been a long time. How ya been?"

Cana waited for me to answer, burping in the process. I gave her a small smile. 

   "I've been okay."

   "Juvia has missed love rival. Juvia was hoping she was okay."

   "You're still going on with that love rival thing?"

   "Hey bunny girl, gihi."

I turned to face Gajeel, who sat there with that stupid grin of his. 

   "Would you stop calling me that!"

   "Haha, just like old times."

Mira walked over and gave me a gentle hug.

   "We've all missed you. Even the boys have, but they would never admit it. The only one who would was none other than Natsu."

My face turned a slight pink at her words. 

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