Chapter thirty seven- New People

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Ahh, guys its almost Christmasssss. I don't usually like Christmas all that much, but for some reason this year I do??? I don't even know. 


Lucy's pov

I shifted my position, keeping my eyes shut from the morning light seeping through the window. Letting out a small groan, I turned my head to see Natsu, centimeters from my face. Letting out a small squeal, I rushed back as far as I could.


His eyes slowly opened, a smile appearing on his face. 


He slowly started getting out of bed. Placing his feet on the floor, he stood up, the blanket falling off of him. 

   "N-N-Natsu! Y-Your clothes!"

His eyes drifted down, another smile appearing on is face. 

   "I'm not the only one, Luce."

I lifted the blanket up, and my eyes shot open. All of last nights events came back to me, making my face flush. He laughed at me as he walked into the bathroom. Taking the chance, I jumped out of bed to get y clothes, but instantly regretted it. 


   "Oh yea, you might feel a little sore for the day."

Natsu called through the door, and I glared. Thanks for the warning. I grabbed some clothes, and started getting dressed. When Natsu walked back out, he was in his boxers, making my face turn a light pink. 

   "Put some clothes on!"

   "Why? Its not like you haven't seen before."

   "So! Just...put these on."

I pulled a shirt and a pair of shorts out of his bag, and threw it at him. He smiled, and threw the t-shirt on over his head. There was a knock at the door, and I jumped. 

   "I'll be right back."

Running to the door, I opened it with a nervous smile. 

   "G-Good morning."

   "Good morning, Mrs. Dragneel."

Mrs. Dragneel...I like the way that sounds. 

   "Someone had a busy night."

The lady winked at me, and I felt my face heat up.


    Your hair. Plus I can tell by the way you're standing. I've worked here long enough to know what that posture means."

She giggled, and gave me a closed eyed smile. 

   "Anyways, breakfast is ready in the main building. Feel free to join everyone if you'd like."

She started turning to leave, but stopped. 

   "Oh, and my name is Laki by the way. I will be your house's representative during your stay, so feel free to let me know if you need anything."


She spun on her heal, and walked off. Once she was gone, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, and a head lay on my shoulder. 

   "Who was that?"

   "Oh, the house representative, I guess."

I lifted my hand up, and rested on his soft hair. 

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