Chapter fifteen- Winner

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Lucy's pov

I looked in the mirror, seeing myself wearing this stupid costume. It was way to short! I bet the first time I bend over, everyone would be able to see. Sighing, I walked into the classroom where everyone was waiting. I found Erza, Juvia, and Natsu all standing at the front of the classroom.

"Juvia thinks Lucy looks great!

"These things are way to short!"

"Well its to late to change now, we're opening the cafe in a half hour. We decide that half of the class gets to work in the morning, the other half gets to work in the after noon. We will all be working in the morning, so I hope your ready. There are already a lot of people lined up at the door."

"Yea yea, but do we get food?"

"No! You will not touch any of the food, unless you're serving it! Am I clear?"


Natsu walked away, pouting. Soon, the doors were opened, and people came flooding in. We even had people waiting for a table to open up. This was actually pretty tiring. And my hunger was not helping. I wanted to eat all the food I served to people! And even after Erza's lecture to Natsu about not eating the food, I know I seen her eat at least three pieces of strawberry cake. I only had a few more minutes until we were switching shifts.

"I'll take a slice of strawberry cake, and he'll have a sub please."

"Coming right up."

I handed the order to the people who were making all the food, then left. My shift finally ended, and I promised Natsu I'd take him to buy some food.

"Hey, Luce! Wait up!"

"Can we change out of these stupid costumes already!?"

"Erza said no. We have to keep them on in case they need us to go back and help."

I sighed. They at least could have made them longer.

"So where do you want to go?"

"I heard there's a good food stand at the end of the hall. We should go check it out."


We started walking down the hall, when a pillowcase was thrown over my face. Someone held my hands behind my back, and led me to who knows where. When the pillowcase was removed, I was standing in a different classroom, next to Natsu.

"Alright, everybody! Our last couple has arrived!"

Wait...I know that voice. Mira? Oh, I am so going to kill her.

"Okay, everybody! Put your vote in the box up front! The winners will be announced shortly!"

I looked around and seen ten other couples, some I knew. Gray and Juvia were here, and of course she was clinging to his arm. There was Jellal and Erza, Wendy and Romeo, and even Mira herself was in the competition! She was standing with a annoyed looking Lauxas. Realizing the situation I was in, my face got beat red. And I was still hungry! This better end quick!

"Okay everyone! The votes have been counted! Now who's ready to find out our top couple!"

A lot of people yelled, which obviously got Mira even more pumped up. When she unfolded the piece of paper, she got even more excited if that was even possible.

"Our winner and top Fairy Tail couple is...Natsu and Lucy!"

All eyes were on us now, and my face got even more red.

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