Chapter thirty nine- Surprise!

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Lucy's pov

   "Natsu, is all your stuff packed?"


   "Alright, then lets go."

We walked outside, and started heading towards the main building. Once we dropped the key off, we waited by the dock for the boat to arrive. 

   "I had a good time, Luce."

He wrapped his arm around my stomach, and I slapped it away. 

   "Don't touch me."


I've been really moody lately, and it sucks because I can't control it. One minute I'm yelling, the next I'm in tears. Not to mention how mean I've been to Natsu. The boat arrived, and we placed our things on it. 

   "Sorry for the wait."

   "Its alright!"

Natsu gave him a smile, and we both climbed in. 

   "You ready?"

   "Yea, just start moving."

He started rowing the boat, and I instantly felt sick. 

   "Are you okay?"

   "Yea. I'm fine, just keep going."

That was a lie. I felt like I was gonna puke. We were half way there when I felt something moving up my throat.

   "Oh god."

Leaning over, I puked up everything I had to eat that morning. 


   "I'm fine. Just keep going."


The boat started moving again, and I can't even express how happy I was to be on land again. The taxi was already there, and both Natsu and I got in. 

   "Where we headed?"



The car started moving, and I laid my head down on the window. Natsu's arm wrapped around my side, and my head was suddenly on his lap. 

   "Just go to sleep."


It didn't take long for me to drift off.


   "Luce! Hey, Luce! We're here!"


   "We're home."


Slowly sitting up, I rubbed my head, and looked at Natsu. He smiled at me, then ran to my door. Once he opened it, he helped me out, and grabbed our bags. 

   "I missed our apartment."

   "Me too."

I grabbed his arm as we walked inside. 


Everyone was here...and the apartment was decorated...and there were gifts on the table.

   "Guys? What is all this?"

   "Lisanna told us the news. We all decided to throw you two a party!"

Mira ran up to me, and squealed. 


   "S-Shut up!"

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