Chapter twenty five- Who was she?

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Lucy's pov

   "Lucy, I-"

I managed to get a small glimpse of the person at the door. It was Natsu. Slowly, I reached my shaking hand towards him. Natsu started walking over, and she let go, only to back up towards the wall. 

   "Who are you!?"

She remained silent. I shifted my body, and tried catching my breath. 

   "I said, who are you!?"

She pushed past Natsu, and ran out of the room. Natsu was about to run after her, but I stopped him. 


He ran over to me, and grabbed my hand. 

   "Are you okay!? I'll go get someone. Stay right here."

Once he was gone, I laid my head down on the pillow, and looked at the sky. It was still snowing, and the hole in the window was causing a cold breeze to come inside. I watched as the sun sunk deeper and deeper into the horizon. 


I looked over, and Natsu was behind three nurses. 

   "Hold on, Miss Heartfilia. We'll get you into a new room."

I nodded my head, and then everything went dark.


My head was pounding, and I reached up, and felt bandages. 



He ran over, and wrapped his arms around me. 

   "Are you okay? Does your head hurt?"

   "Yea, but I'm fine."

All of the events that recently happened came back to me. Who was that? 

   "I'm so glad you're okay."

Natsu leaned back, and gave me a grin. 

   "Natsu, get out."


   "I want you to get out. Now."


   "Just do it."

My heart shattered every time I spoke. His face went from happy, to a mixture of confused and sad, but he did as told. The door shut as he walked out, and a tear dripped down my face. I don't want him to get hurt, and it seems ever since we started talking again, that's all that's happened. It had stopped snowing, but it was dark out now. 

   "I'm sorry, Natsu."


Its been a few days since the incident, and I still haven't spoken to Natsu. He was released that night, so he probably went home. 

   "Alright, you're good to go."

The doctor smiled at me, and we both walked out of the room. I left the hospital, and walked outside. That's right, my car isn't hear. I pulled my phone out, and looked through my contacts. Maybe I could call Gray to come get me. The phone rang until someone picked up. 


  "Hey, I need a ride."

  "I'll be there in a few minutes."

After a ten minute wait, a black car pulled up, and Gray got out.

   "Hey, why don't you have a coat or anything?"

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