Untitled Part 29- Natsu's decision

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Oh look. Another chapter. You would think I would have better things to do with my life than write fan-fics all day. *sweats nervously*


Natsu's pov

   "Natsu, we've walked all around town, and haven't found her."

   "I know. I don't think anyone else has or else they probably would have called."

   "Then what do we do?"

   "I'm really not sure."

I stared at the ground for a moment, thinking of places she might have gone. Then it hits me. Grabbing Wendy's arm, I start running down the road. 

   "N-Natsu! Where are we going!?"

   "The mansion!"

   "Why are we going there?"

   "Because I have a feeling that's where Luce is at."

   "Okay, but hold on. My feet hurt from walking so much."

   "Okay, then get on."

I knelt down so Wendy could get on my back, and she hopped on. 

   "Hold on tight."


Her gripped tightened a bit as I started racing down the road, taking the quickest way to get there. I had run five blocks now. 

   "Hold on, Wendy. We're almost there."


Crossing a field, I ducked underneath some trees, and came into the old garden. Wendy hopped off, and touched a withered flower. Its crusty petals fell to the ground, and crumbled. 

   "Its been a really long time since this garden has been tended to. I'm not sure if you remember, but all of us used to run through the garden, playing games."

   "I think I do."

We started walking towards the mansion, and I couldn't help but stare. I had only been here once since the fire, and it was a few days after it happened. My dad brought Lucy, because she asked to see it again. We were at the side of the building. I had to guide Wendy away from some broken glass. As we rounded the corner, I seen the blonde laying in the grass. 



She didn't answer so we ran to her. Once we looked at her face, it took us both a minute before we could find words to say. The look on her face was the same look she had the night of the accident. I always wished I would never see it again. 


   "What is it Natsu? I thought I told you to leave me alone."

She continued focusing on the grass, and Wendy stood behind me. 

   "Luce, we have to go. You can't be here for long, the ash will get into your lungs."

   "And whats so wrong about that?"

I froze at her words. 

   "What do you mean, whats wrong with that!?"

   "Maybe, just maybe, if I stay here long enough, my lungs will fill with so much ash, that I'll suffer just like they did."

I could hear Wendy let out a small gasp, and I was starting to regret bringing her with me. 

   "Dammit, Lucy! I told you not to talk like that ever again!"

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