Chapter seven- I'm a secret ninja

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Lucy's pov

Ever since I drove Natsu and I home from school, I can't help but be nervous. I've been pacing everywhere, and making up scenarios that more then likely won't happen. I think I'm even getting Natsu worried. But I guess the thing that scares me most, is what if something goes wrong for Natsu. It would be my fault. Alright. It's just now six. He'll be leaving soon, and everything will go fine. He'll get my necklace back, and everything will be okay again. I sighed and went to check on Natsu.


   "Oh, what's up, Luce?"

   "Nothing, are you ready?"


He must have noticed me panicking, because he calmly walked over, and placed a hand on my shoulder. 

   "Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

We exchanged smiles, before he did something completely stupid. 

   "It'll be like I'm a secret ninja! Going out on an important mission to save the top secret item!"

He wrapped his scarf around his face. After hitting my face, all my worries started flowing back. After the rest of the hour passed by, I ran back and made sure Natsu was ready. 

   "Do you have your scarf?"




   "My phone number?"

   "Ye- no."

I pulled my phone out, typed my number into his phone, and handed it back.

   "Let me know if something happens."

   "I will."

I sighed again, and he let out a a chuckle. 

   "Luce, aren't I the one who is supposed to be nervous?"

   "Yea, I guess your right. Alright, she should be here any minute now. Do you know what restaurant you're taking her to?"

   "Uhh...The one down the road?"

   "Good enough."

There was a knock on the door, and we both stopped. I ran to open it, finding a Vivian dressed in a short white dress, with black stones around the neck. Her heels two inches to long, and lots of eyeliner outlining her eye. 


   "Where's Natsu? Its time I take him out of his misery."

   "Uhh...right. Natsu!!"

He came around the corner, and eyed Vivian, before smiling at me. 

   "Okay, Luce! I'll be back in a bit!"

He walked out the door, opening the car door for Vivian, making sure she was buckled before getting in himself. I smiled. I couldn't help it. Its not often you see a real gentleman like that. I watched them as they left. My heart started to ache as I watched them leave. I don't know why, but I wanted to go back and get him, keeping her away. Letting out a sigh, I walked into the kitchen to make my own dinner. 

Natsu's pov

Luce is going to owe me big time for this! I can't seem to get this girl off of me! Its like she's attached herself to my arm. I smiled nervously at her, as we pulled into the parking lot. Stepping out of the car, I looked up at the sign. 'Little Garden'. Seems fancy enough. Holding my arm our for her, she linked elbows with me, getting closer with every step. 'Man, I wish this was Luce...' Wait, what? Where did that come from? Stepping inside, we were brought to a table and seated. The waitress  took our orders, then rushed away. Wonder what's up with her. Vivian and I began a simple conversation, mostly about the things she loves. She tried bringing up Lucy a few times, but I quickly changed the subject. 

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