Chapter nine- How 'bout that dance?

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Lucy's pov

I just woke up, when Natsu burst through my door, breathing heavy and staring at me.

   "Lucy! Are you okay?"

   "I'm fine..."

   "You don't look fine!"

He ran up to me and grabbed my arms. I let out a cry of pain, and Erza shoved him away. 

   "What did I do!?"

   "You grabbed her wound, idiot! Now sit down or go lay back down!"

He nodded, and sat down in a chair next to my bed.

   "Luce, I am so so so sorry. This is all my fault! If I hadn't got distracted by-"

He cut himself off, his face turning pink. 

   "Distracted by what?"

   "Nothing! Nothing at all!"

   "Okay...But Natsu it wasn't your fault. Actually the light was green, so it was the other guy who rammed into us."

Natsu's face turned from sadness to anger.

   "I will pound that guy until he is halfway underground!"

   "Natsu, calm down. We are both okay, and will be healed soon, right Wendy?"

She nodded her head and I smiled. 

   "See? Everything will be fine. Now you should probably go back, and get some sleep, Natsu. You got hurt too."

   "No! I'm staying with you!"

My face started to heat up, and I quickly turned my head away. 


I mumbled. The doctor walked in just then, and looked at me.

   "Lucy Heartfilia?"


   "I have some things to talk to you about, but we need to be alone."

   "I see. Guys, can you leave for a minute?"

Everyone walked out of the room, leaving me alone with the doctor. 

   "So, the good news is, your leg will be ready for you to walk on is just a couple of weeks. You barely chipped the bone, and since we reached you when we did, we stopped any more damage from happening. As for your arm, the wound is pretty deep, so we will need to keep an eye on that. Try not to move it around as much. Now your head...You have a small gash there, but nothing that needs stitches. Now the last place is your stomach. Because of where the glass got you, you're going to have to watch what you eat for a while. Only soft foods. We will be keeping you here for a few more days, just to keep an eye on you. By the time you leave, most of those bruises and scratches should be healed up too."

I nodded towards everything he said, and he gave me a smile.

    "Is that pink haired fellow your boyfriend?"

I immediately blushed and shook my head no. 

   "I see. Well when he got here, he was barely conscious, but continued asking where you were. We had to give him sleep medicine to keep him down. He really does care about you."

And that was the last thing he said before exiting the room. I stared down at the end of my bed, my face still probably burning red. 

   "Luce!? Your face is red, are you okay? Do you have a fever? I can go get the doctor!"

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