Chapter thirty two- Perfect Balance

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I just went on a following spree. Ya know, some people have some really good books out there. I need to update my lists. 


Lucy's pov

Winter Break ended, and it was time to go back to school.

   "Natsu. Natsu, wake up. We have school."

   "Do we have to go?"

   "Yes. Get up."

He grunted, and sat up, rubbing his eyes. I walked over to my closet, and pulled a t-shirt out with some leggings. I was about to take my shirt off, when I felt like I was being watched. 

   "Natsu, out."

   "But Luce~"

   "Out, now."


I heard him walk away, and the door shut behind him. After I got dressed, I brushed my teeth and hair, and grabbed an apple. 

    "Natsu, you ready!?"

   "Yea! Just gotta get my shoes on!"

I put my apple in my mouth as I pulled my shoes on. When Natsu walked out, he took one look at me, bit a piece of my apple off, and ate it. 

   "Hey! Get your own!"

   "But yours is better."

   "Its an apple."

   "But its your apple."

   "Whatever, lets just go."

I drove us to school, and found a parking spot. Once we got out, we were mobbed by people. 

   "Lucy! Are you two together again!?"

   "I heard how Natsu saved you from the fire! How romantic."

   "Natsu, are you and Lucy living together?"

He grabbed my hand, and started walking away. 

   "Just ignore them."

I gave him a nod. Our hands were barely touching each other. Part of me wanted to just let go, but at the same time, Natsu's hand is warm. 

   "Luce, don't let go, okay?"


   "Natsu! Lucy! So, tell me, how is your guy's relationship going? What caused the fire? Were you two hurt?"

The school news reporter ran up, a notepad in his hand. 

   "We don't know how the fire started, and both of us made it out okay. As for our relationship..."

He looked at me, then back at the reporter. 

   "She is now my fiance."

The entire hallway went silent, and the guy dropped his pen. 

   "Y-Y-You proposed!?"


He grabbed my hand, and lifted it in the air, the ring sparkling in the light. Gasps were heard from the entire hallway, and I looked down at my feet. My face was completely red, and I could feel everyone staring. The guy blinked a few times before he jumped in the air. 

   "Cool! Cool! Cool! This'll make a great story!"

He ran off, to what I assume was to start the paper. The hallway stayed quiet as we walked. 

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