Chapter 16: Change

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Elizabeth's POV

I swear the world stops spinning for a moment. I'm not sure for how long Harry's lips linger on mine, it feels like an eternity. My heart is bruising against my ribcage as I take in the softness of his lips against mine, how their shape fits mine. The contrast of his cold hands against my burning cheeks is making me shiver.

At first, he doesn't do anything as if he's frozen on the spot, but he tentatively starts moving his lips against mine. I close my eyes, leaning into him slightly, my fingers gripping his shirt, instinctively pulling him closer to me. Every element of the kiss is indescribable, the heat of it sending sparks through my veins. Before I can process it, Harry pulls away abruptly, leaving me panting.

"I..." I mumble, my chest heaving, cheeks burning.

He looks dumbfounded and his breaths come out short. "Get in the car, Elizabeth," he finally says, his usual careless façade quickly taking over him.

I run my hand through my hair like he does all the time, walking back toward the car and sliding into the seat. I shut the door, still processing what has happened between us moments ago. He enters the car moments later after allowing himself and me to cool off a bit. I can feel his eyes on me, but I refuse to look at him or say anything, feeling slightly embarrassed for some reason.

"Aren't you going to say something?" He asks quietly.

I ignore him, keeping my eyes fixed ahead of me. We end up driving in complete silence, the sounds of our breathing the only thing filling the small space of the car. I lean my head against the window, its cool surface making me shudder.

It's not that Harry was my first kiss, no, I'm familiar with kissing. But Harry's kiss was definitely different and that is what surprised me the most. I can't explain it, it may be the fact I never expected something like that to happen.

"Hey," Harry suddenly says. "I'm sorry."

My head whips to his direction and my eyes widen slightly. I definitely didn't expect him to apologise for his behaviour, but I'm glad he did. I understand I shouldn't have asked him anything while he's angry, but my intentions weren't bad.

"I did what I had to do to shut you up," he continues.

"What? Wait, you're not apologising for your behaviour?"

"Oh, I am. I'm sorry about that too, I tend to  get my anger get the best of me. I'm still not good with emotions, but anger I handle the worst," he admits. "I also didn't mean to make you uncomfortable with that kiss." His cheeks turn bright red and he glances at me nervously.

"I didn't mind it," I blurt out.

"Wait, you didn't mind the kiss?" He asks, amusement written all over his face.

My cheeks flush in embarrassment.

When I don't reply Harry continues, "even though I admit letting my anger drive us into an argument, I still don't like how you meddled into my personal life. Why did you ask Gemma about me?"

"I actually didn't meddle into anything, I was just trying to make you feel better since I don't like seeing people angry or sad. Gemma told me about the fight herself, I didn't pressure her into telling me."

He opens his mouth to speak but closes them almost instantly, looking ahead of him with a slight frown. I swear the Harry I came with to that dinner is gone and I'm left with this irritable version of him and I find myself missing that quiet, detached person. He clears his throat, obviously trying to gain my attention again. I sigh before hesitantly looking at him, noticing there's already a bruise forming on his jawline.

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